
Many Pokemon can evolve. There are several ways to evolve – leveling up, trading, using items. In addition, there are conditions for evolution, such as a certain biome, the gender of the Pokemon, or a high level of happiness. In the table you can find the Pokemon you need to find out how it evolves.

BulbasaurIvysaur at level 16
IvysaurVenusaur at level 32
CharmanderCharmeleon at level 16
CharmeleonCharizard at level 36
SquirtleWartortle at level 16
WartortleBlastoise at level 36
CaterpieMetapod at level 7
MetapodButterfree at level 10
WeedleKakuna at level 7
KakunaBeedrill at level 10
PidgeyPidgeotto at level 18
PidgeottoPidgeot at level 36
RattataRaticate at level 20
Alolan RattataAlolan Raticate at level 20 at NIGHT
SpearowFearow at level 20
EkansArbok at level 22
PikachuAlolan Raichu when the Thunder Stone used on it if there is the ALOLAN Pokemon on the party
PikachuRaichu when the Thunder Stone used on it
SandshrewSandslash at level 22
Alolan SandshrewAlolan Sandslash when the Ice Stone used on it
Nidoran FemaleNidorina at level 16
NidorinaNidoqueen when the Moon Stone used on it
Nidoran MaleNidorino at level 16
NidorinoNidoking when the Moon Stone used on it
ClefairyClefable when the Moon Stone used on it
VulpixNinetales when the Fire Stone used on it
Alolan VulpixAlolan Ninetales when the Ice Stone used on it
JigglypuffWigglytuff when the Moon Stone used on it
ZubatGolbat at level 22
GolbatCrobat if its level increases with happiness above 220
OddishGloom at level 21
GloomVileplume when the Leaf Stone used on it
GloomBellossom when the Sun Stone used on it
ParasParasect at level 24
VenonatVenomoth at level 31
DiglettDugtrio at level 26
Alolan DiglettAlolan Dugtrio at level 26
MeowthPersian at level 28
Alolan MeowthAlolan Persian if its level increases with happiness above 220
Galarian MeowthPerrserker at level 28
PsyduckGolduck at level 33
MankeyPrimeape at level 28
PrimeapeAnnihilape if its level increases after using the Rage Fist move 20 times
GrowlitheArcanine when the Fire Stone used on it
Hisuian GrowlitheHisuian Arcanine when the Fire Stone used on it
PoliwagPoliwhirl at level 25
PoliwhirlPoliwrath when the Water Stone used on it
PoliwhirlPolitoed when traded if the Pokemon is holding the Kings Rock
PoliwhirlPolitoed when the Linking Cord used on it if the Pokemon is holding the Kings Rock
AbraKadabra at level 16
KadabraAlakazam when traded
KadabraAlakazam when the Linking Cord used on it
MachopMachoke at level 28
MachokeMachamp when traded
MachokeMachamp when the Linking Cord used on it
BellsproutWeepinbell at level 21
WeepinbellVictreebel when the Leaf Stone used on it
TentacoolTentacruel at level 30
GeodudeGraveler at level 25
Alolan GeodudeAlolan Graveler at level 25
GravelerGolem when traded
GravelerGolem when the Linking Cord used on it
Alolan GravelerAlolan Golem when traded
Alolan GravelerAlolan Golem when the Linking Cord used on it
PonytaRapidash at level 40
Galarian PonytaGalarian Rapidash at level 40
SlowpokeSlowking when traded if the Pokemon is holding the Kings Rock
SlowpokeSlowking when the Linking Cord used on it if the Pokemon is holding the Kings Rock
SlowpokeSlowbro at level 37
Galarian SlowpokeGalarian Slowbro when the Galarica Cuff used on it
Galarian SlowpokeGalarian Slowking when the Galarica Wreath used on it
MagnemiteMagneton at level 30
MagnetonMagnezone when the Thunder Stone used on it
MagnetonMagnezone if its level increases in the Windswept Hills, Windswept Forest, Windswept Gravelly Hills biomes
Galarian Farfetch dSirfetch d when it deals 3 critical hits in single battle
DoduoDodrio at level 31
SeelDewgong at level 34
GrimerMuk at level 38
Alolan GrimerAlolan Muk at level 38
ShellderCloyster when the Water Stone used on it
GastlyHaunter at level 25
HaunterGengar when traded
HaunterGengar when the Linking Cord used on it
OnixSteelix when traded if the Pokemon is holding the Metal Coat
OnixSteelix when the Linking Cord used on it if the Pokemon is holding the Metal Coat
DrowzeeHypno at level 26
KrabbyKingler at level 28
VoltorbElectrode at level 30
Hisuian VoltorbHisuian Electrode when the Leaf Stone used on it
ExeggcuteAlolan Exeggutor when the Leaf Stone used on it if there is the ALOLAN Pokemon on the party
ExeggcuteExeggutor when the Leaf Stone used on it
CuboneAlolan Marowak at level 28 if there is the ALOLAN Pokemon on the party
CuboneMarowak at level 28
LickitungLickilicky if its level increases while knowing Rollout move
KoffingGalarian Weezing at level 35 if it has a Burn status
KoffingWeezing at level 35
RhyhornRhydon at level 42
RhydonRhyperior when traded if the Pokemon is holding the Protector
RhydonRhyperior when the Linking Cord used on it if the Pokemon is holding the Protector
ChanseyBlissey if its level increases with happiness above 220
TangelaTangrowth if its level increases while knowing Ancient Power move
HorseaSeadra at level 32
SeadraKingdra when traded if the Pokemon is holding the Dragon Scale
SeadraKingdra when the Linking Cord used on it if the Pokemon is holding the Dragon Scale
GoldeenSeaking at level 33
StaryuStarmie when the Water Stone used on it
Galarian Mr. MimeMr. Rime at level 42
ScytherScizor when traded if the Pokemon is holding the Metal Coat
ScytherScizor when the Linking Cord used on it if the Pokemon is holding the Metal Coat
ScytherKleavor when the Black Augurite used on it
ElectabuzzElectivire when traded if the Pokemon is holding the Electirizer
ElectabuzzElectivire when the Linking Cord used on it if the Pokemon is holding the Electirizer
MagmarMagmortar when traded if the Pokemon is holding the Magmarizer
MagmarMagmortar when the Linking Cord used on it if the Pokemon is holding the Magmarizer
MagikarpGyarados at level 20
EeveeSylveon if its level increases with happiness above 220 if he knows the FAIRY type attack in the Flower Forest, Sunflower Plains biomes
EeveeVaporeon when the Water Stone used on it
EeveeJolteon when the Thunder Stone used on it
EeveeFlareon when the Fire Stone used on it
EeveeEspeon if its level increases with happiness above 220 at DAY
EeveeUmbreon if its level increases with happiness above 220 at NIGHT
EeveeLeafeon when the Leaf Stone used on it
EeveeLeafeon if its level increases if there is a Mossy Rock nearby
EeveeGlaceon when the Ice Stone used on it
EeveeGlaceon if its level increases if there is a Ice Rock nearby
PorygonPorygon2 when traded if the Pokemon is holding the Up Grade
PorygonPorygon2 when the Linking Cord used on it if the Pokemon is holding the Up Grade
OmanyteOmastar at level 40
KabutoKabutops at level 40
DratiniDragonair at level 30
DragonairDragonite at level 55
ChikoritaBayleef at level 16
BayleefMeganium at level 32
CyndaquilQuilava at level 14
QuilavaTyphlosion at level 36 at DAY
QuilavaHisuian Typhlosion at level 36 at NIGHT
TotodileCroconaw at level 18
CroconawFeraligatr at level 30
SentretFurret at level 15
HoothootNoctowl at level 20
LedybaLedian at level 18
SpinarakAriados at level 22
ChinchouLanturn at level 27
PichuPikachu if its level increases with happiness above 220
CleffaClefairy if its level increases with happiness above 220
IgglybuffJigglypuff if its level increases with happiness above 220
TogepiTogetic if its level increases with happiness above 220
TogeticTogekiss when the Shiny Stone used on it
NatuXatu at level 25
MareepFlaaffy at level 15
FlaaffyAmpharos at level 30
MarillAzumarill at level 18
HoppipSkiploom at level 18
SkiploomJumpluff at level 27
AipomAmbipom if its level increases while knowing Double Hit move
SunkernSunflora when the Sun Stone used on it
YanmaYanmega if its level increases while knowing Ancient Power move
WooperQuagsire at level 20
Paldean WooperClodsire at level 20
MurkrowHonchkrow when the Dusk Stone used on it
MisdreavusMismagius when the Dusk Stone used on it
GirafarigFarigiraf if its level increases while knowing Twin Beam move
PinecoForretress at level 31
DunsparceDudunsparce if its level increases with chance 99% while knowing Hyper Drill move
DunsparceThree-Segment Dudunsparce if its level increases while knowing Hyper Drill move
GligarGliscor if its level increases if the Pokemon is holding the Razor Fang at NIGHT
SnubbullGranbull at level 23
Hisuian QwilfishOverqwil if its level increases after using the Barb Barrage move 20 times
SneaselWeavile if its level increases if the Pokemon is holding the Razor Claw at NIGHT
Hisuian SneaselSneasler when the Razor Claw used on it at DAY
TeddiursaUrsaring at level 30
UrsaringUrsaluna when the Peat Block used on it at NIGHT
SlugmaMagcargo at level 38
SwinubPiloswine at level 33
PiloswineMamoswine if its level increases while knowing Ancient Power move
Galarian CorsolaCursola at level 38
RemoraidOctillery at level 25
HoundourHoundoom at level 24
PhanpyDonphan at level 25
Porygon2Porygon-Z when traded if the Pokemon is holding the Dubious Disc
Porygon2Porygon-Z when the Linking Cord used on it if the Pokemon is holding the Dubious Disc
StantlerWyrdeer at level 21 if there is the HISUIAN Pokemon on the party
StantlerWyrdeer if its level increases after using the Psyshield Bash move 20 times
TyrogueHitmonlee at level 20 if its ATTACK stat is greater than its DEFENSE stat
TyrogueHitmonchan at level 20 if its DEFENSE stat is greater than its ATTACK stat
TyrogueHitmontop at level 20
SmoochumJynx at level 30
ElekidElectabuzz at level 30
MagbyMagmar at level 30
LarvitarPupitar at level 30
PupitarTyranitar at level 55
TreeckoGrovyle at level 16
GrovyleSceptile at level 36
TorchicCombusken at level 16
CombuskenBlaziken at level 36
MudkipMarshtomp at level 16
MarshtompSwampert at level 36
PoochyenaMightyena at level 18
ZigzagoonLinoone at level 20
Galarian ZigzagoonGalarian Linoone at level 20
Galarian LinooneObstagoon at level 35 at NIGHT
WurmpleSilcoon at level 7 with chance 50%
WurmpleCascoon at level 7
SilcoonBeautifly at level 10
CascoonDustox at level 10
LotadLombre at level 14
LombreLudicolo when the Water Stone used on it
SeedotNuzleaf at level 14
NuzleafShiftry when the Leaf Stone used on it
TaillowSwellow at level 22
WingullPelipper at level 25
RaltsKirlia at level 20
KirliaGardevoir at level 30
KirliaGallade when the Dawn Stone used on it if its gender is MALE
SurskitMasquerain at level 22
ShroomishBreloom at level 23
SlakothVigoroth at level 18
VigorothSlaking at level 36
NincadaNinjask at level 20
WhismurLoudred at level 20
LoudredExploud at level 40
MakuhitaHariyama at level 24
AzurillMarill if its level increases with happiness above 220
NosepassProbopass when the Thunder Stone used on it
NosepassProbopass if its level increases in the Windswept Hills, Windswept Forest, Windswept Gravelly Hills biomes
SkittyDelcatty when the Moon Stone used on it
AronLairon at level 32
LaironAggron at level 42
MedititeMedicham at level 37
ElectrikeManectric at level 26
RoseliaRoserade when the Shiny Stone used on it
GulpinSwalot at level 26
CarvanhaSharpedo at level 30
WailmerWailord at level 40
NumelCamerupt at level 33
SpoinkGrumpig at level 32
TrapinchVibrava at level 35
VibravaFlygon at level 45
CacneaCacturne at level 32
SwabluAltaria at level 35
BarboachWhiscash at level 30
CorphishCrawdaunt at level 30
BaltoyClaydol at level 36
LileepCradily at level 40
AnorithArmaldo at level 40
FeebasMilotic when traded if the Pokemon is holding the Prism Scale
FeebasMilotic when the Linking Cord used on it if the Pokemon is holding the Prism Scale
ShuppetBanette at level 37
DuskullDusclops at level 37
DusclopsDusknoir when traded if the Pokemon is holding the Reaper Cloth
DusclopsDusknoir when the Linking Cord used on it if the Pokemon is holding the Reaper Cloth
WynautWobbuffet at level 15
SnoruntGlalie at level 42
SnoruntFroslass when the Dawn Stone used on it if its gender is FEMALE
SphealSealeo at level 32
SealeoWalrein at level 44
ClamperlGorebyss when traded if the Pokemon is holding the Deep Sea Scale
ClamperlHuntail when traded if the Pokemon is holding the Deep Sea Tooth
ClamperlGorebyss when the Linking Cord used on it if the Pokemon is holding the Deep Sea Scale
ClamperlHuntail when the Linking Cord used on it if the Pokemon is holding the Deep Sea Tooth
BagonShelgon at level 30
ShelgonSalamence at level 50
BeldumMetang at level 20
MetangMetagross at level 45
TurtwigGrotle at level 18
GrotleTorterra at level 32
ChimcharMonferno at level 14
MonfernoInfernape at level 36
PiplupPrinplup at level 16
PrinplupEmpoleon at level 36
StarlyStaravia at level 14
StaraviaStaraptor at level 34
BidoofBibarel at level 15
KricketotKricketune at level 10
ShinxLuxio at level 15
LuxioLuxray at level 30
BudewRoselia if its level increases with happiness above 220 at DAY
CranidosRampardos at level 30
ShieldonBastiodon at level 30
BurmyWormadam at level 20 if its gender is FEMALE
BurmyMothim at level 20 if its gender is MALE
CombeeVespiquen at level 21 if its gender is FEMALE
BuizelFloatzel at level 26
CherubiCherrim at level 25
East ShellosGastrodon at level 30
DrifloonDrifblim at level 28
BunearyLopunny if its level increases with happiness above 220
GlameowPurugly at level 38
ChinglingChimecho if its level increases with happiness above 220 at NIGHT
StunkySkuntank at level 34
BronzorBronzong at level 33
BonslySudowoodo if its level increases while knowing Mimic move
Mime Jr.Galarian Mr. Mime if its level increases while knowing Mimic move in the Snowy Taiga, Snowy Taiga Hills, Snowy Beach, Frozen River, Frozen Ocean, Snowy Taiga Mountains, Snowy Mountains, Snowy Tundra, Ice Spikes, Biomesoplenty:cold Desert, Biomesoplenty:muskeg, Biomesoplenty:snowy Coniferous Forest, Biomesoplenty:snowy Fir Clearing, Biomesoplenty:snowy Maple Forest, Byg:frozen Lake, Byg:lush Tundra, Byg:northern Forest, Byg:shattered Glacier, Byg:snowy Blue Giant Taiga, Byg:snowy Blue Taiga, Byg:snowy Coniferous Forest, Byg:snowy Deciduous Forest, Byg:snowy Evergreen Taiga, Byg:snowy Blue Taiga Hills, Byg:snowy Coniferous Forest Hills, Byg:snowy Deciduous Forest Hills, Byg:snowy Evergreen Hills, Byg:snowy Coniferous Clearing, Byg:snowy Deciduous Clearing, Byg:snowy Evergreen Clearing, Terraforged:frozen Lake, Terraforged:frozen Marsh, Terraforged:snowy Fir Forest, Terraforged:snowy Taiga Scrub biomes
Mime Jr.Mr. Mime if its level increases while knowing Mimic move
HappinyChansey if its level increases if the Pokemon is holding the Oval Stone at DAY
GibleGabite at level 24
GabiteGarchomp at level 48
MunchlaxSnorlax if its level increases with happiness above 220
RioluLucario if its level increases with happiness above 220 at DAY
HippopotasHippowdon at level 34
SkorupiDrapion at level 40
CroagunkToxicroak at level 37
FinneonLumineon at level 31
MantykeMantine if its level increases if there is the Pokemon Remoraid on the party
SnoverAbomasnow at level 40
SnivyServine at level 17
ServineSerperior at level 36
TepigPignite at level 17
PigniteEmboar at level 36
OshawottDewott at level 17
DewottSamurott at level 36 at DAY
DewottHisuian Samurott at level 36 at NIGHT
PatratWatchog at level 20
LillipupHerdier at level 16
HerdierStoutland at level 32
PurrloinLiepard at level 20
PansageSimisage when the Leaf Stone used on it
PansearSimisear when the Fire Stone used on it
PanpourSimipour when the Water Stone used on it
MunnaMusharna when the Moon Stone used on it
PidoveTranquill at level 21
TranquillUnfezant at level 32
BlitzleZebstrika at level 27
RoggenrolaBoldore at level 25
BoldoreGigalith when traded
BoldoreGigalith when the Linking Cord used on it
WoobatSwoobat if its level increases with happiness above 220
DrilburExcadrill at level 31
TimburrGurdurr at level 25
GurdurrConkeldurr when traded
GurdurrConkeldurr when the Linking Cord used on it
TympolePalpitoad at level 25
PalpitoadSeismitoad at level 36
SewaddleSwadloon at level 20
SwadloonLeavanny if its level increases with happiness above 220
VenipedeWhirlipede at level 22
WhirlipedeScolipede at level 30
CottoneeWhimsicott when the Sun Stone used on it
PetililLilligant when the Sun Stone used on it at DAY
PetililHisuian Lilligant when the Sun Stone used on it at DAWN
White BasculinBasculegion after losing at least 294 HP from recoil damage without fainting if its gender is MALE
White BasculinFemale Basculegion after losing at least 294 HP from recoil damage without fainting if its gender is FEMALE
SandileKrokorok at level 29
KrokorokKrookodile at level 40
DarumakaDarmanitan at level 35
Galarian DarumakaGalarian Darmanitan when the Ice Stone used on it
DwebbleCrustle at level 34
ScraggyScrafty at level 39
YamaskCofagrigus at level 34
Galarian YamaskRunerigus in the Desert biome
TirtougaCarracosta at level 37
ArchenArcheops at level 37
TrubbishGarbodor at level 36
ZoruaZoroark at level 30
Hisuian ZoruaHisuian Zoroark at level 30
MinccinoCinccino when the Shiny Stone used on it
GothitaGothorita at level 32
GothoritaGothitelle at level 41
SolosisDuosion at level 32
DuosionReuniclus at level 41
DucklettSwanna at level 35
VanilliteVanillish at level 35
VanillishVanilluxe at level 47
DeerlingSawsbuck at level 34
KarrablastEscavalier when traded
KarrablastEscavalier when the Linking Cord used on it if there is the Pokemon Shelmet on the party
FoongusAmoonguss at level 39
FrillishJellicent at level 40
JoltikGalvantula at level 36
FerroseedFerrothorn at level 40
KlinkKlang at level 38
KlangKlinklang at level 49
TynamoEelektrik at level 39
EelektrikEelektross when the Thunder Stone used on it
ElgyemBeheeyem at level 42
LitwickLampent at level 41
LampentChandelure when the Dusk Stone used on it
AxewFraxure at level 38
FraxureHaxorus at level 48
CubchooBeartic at level 37
ShelmetAccelgor when traded
ShelmetAccelgor when the Linking Cord used on it if there is the Pokemon Karrablast on the party
MienfooMienshao at level 50
GolettGolurk at level 43
PawniardBisharp at level 52
BisharpKingambit when the Leaders Crest used on it
RuffletBraviary at level 54 at DAY
RuffletHisuian Braviary at level 54 at NIGHT
VullabyMandibuzz at level 54
DeinoZweilous at level 50
ZweilousHydreigon at level 64
LarvestaVolcarona at level 59
ChespinQuilladin at level 16
QuilladinChesnaught at level 36
FennekinBraixen at level 16
BraixenDelphox at level 36
FroakieFrogadier at level 16
FrogadierGreninja at level 36
BunnelbyDiggersby at level 20
FletchlingFletchinder at level 17
FletchinderTalonflame at level 35
ScatterbugSpewpa at level 9
SpewpaVivillon at level 12
LitleoPyroar at level 35
FlabebeFloette at level 19
FloetteFlorges when the Shiny Stone used on it
SkiddoGogoat at level 32
PanchamPangoro at level 32 if there is DARK type Pokemon on the party
EspurrMeowstic at level 25 if its gender is MALE
EspurrMeowstic at level 25 if its gender is FEMALE
HonedgeDoublade at level 35
DoubladeAegislash when the Dusk Stone used on it
SpritzeeAromatisse when traded if the Pokemon is holding the Sachet
SpritzeeAromatisse when the Linking Cord used on it if the Pokemon is holding the Sachet
SwirlixSlurpuff when traded if the Pokemon is holding the Whipped Dream
SwirlixSlurpuff when the Linking Cord used on it if the Pokemon is holding the Whipped Dream
InkayMalamar at level 30
BinacleBarbaracle at level 39
SkrelpDragalge at level 48
ClauncherClawitzer at level 37
HelioptileHeliolisk when the Sun Stone used on it
TyruntTyrantrum at level 39 at DAY
AmauraAurorus at level 39 at NIGHT
GoomyHisuian Sliggoo at level 40
GoomySliggoo at level 40
SliggooGoodra at level 50
Hisuian SliggooHisuian Goodra at level 50
PhantumpTrevenant when traded
PhantumpTrevenant when the Linking Cord used on it
PumpkabooGourgeist when traded
PumpkabooGourgeist when the Linking Cord used on it
BergmiteAvalugg at level 37 in the Ice Spikes biome
BergmiteHisuian Avalugg at level 37 in the Snowy Taiga Hills biome
NoibatNoivern at level 48
RowletDartrix at level 17
DartrixDecidueye at level 34 at DAY
DartrixHisuian Decidueye at level 36 at DAWN
LittenTorracat at level 17
TorracatIncineroar at level 34
PopplioBrionne at level 17
BrionnePrimarina at level 34
PikipekTrumbeak at level 14
TrumbeakToucannon at level 28
YungoosGumshoos at level 20 at DAY
GrubbinCharjabug at level 20
CharjabugVikavolt when the Thunder Stone used on it
CharjabugVikavolt if its level increases in the Windswept Hills, Windswept Forest, Windswept Gravelly Hills biomes
CrabrawlerCrabominable when the Ice Stone used on it
CrabrawlerCrabominable if its level increases if there is a Ice Rock nearby
CutieflyRibombee at level 25
RockruffLycanroc at level 25 at DAY
RockruffMidnight Lycanroc at level 25 at NIGHT
RockruffDusk Lycanroc at level 25 at DUSK
MareanieToxapex at level 38
MudbrayMudsdale at level 30
DewpiderAraquanid at level 22
FomantisLurantis at level 34 at DAY
MorelullShiinotic at level 24
SalanditSalazzle at level 33 if its gender is FEMALE
StuffulBewear at level 27
BounsweetSteenee at level 18
SteeneeTsareena if its level increases while knowing Stomp move
WimpodGolisopod at level 30
SandygastPalossand at level 42
Type: NullSilvally if its level increases with happiness above 220
Jangmo-oHakamo-o at level 35
Hakamo-oKommo-o at level 45
CosmogCosmoem at level 43
CosmoemSolgaleo at level 53 at DAY
CosmoemLunala at level 53 at NIGHT
PoipoleNaganadel if its level increases while knowing Dragon Pulse move
MeltanMelmetal if its level increases
GrookeyThwackey at level 16
ThwackeyRillaboom at level 35
ScorbunnyRaboot at level 16
RabootCinderace at level 35
SobbleDrizzile at level 16
DrizzileInteleon at level 35
SkwovetGreedent at level 24
RookideeCorvisquire at level 18
CorvisquireCorviknight at level 38
BlipbugDottler at level 10
DottlerOrbeetle at level 30
NickitThievul at level 18
GossifleurEldegoss at level 20
WoolooDubwool at level 24
ChewtleDrednaw at level 22
YamperBoltund at level 25
RolycolyCarkol at level 18
CarkolCoalossal at level 34
ApplinFlapple when the Tart Apple used on it
ApplinAppletun when the Sweet Apple used on it
SilicobraSandaconda at level 36
ArrokudaBarraskewda at level 26
ToxelAmped Toxtricity at level 30
ToxelToxtricity at level 30
SizzlipedeCentiskorch at level 28
ClobbopusGrapploct if its level increases while knowing Taunt move
Phony SinisteaPhony Polteageist when the Cracked Pot used on it
SinisteaPolteageist when the Chipped Pot used on it
HatennaHattrem at level 32
HattremHatterene at level 42
ImpidimpMorgrem at level 32
MorgremGrimmsnarl at level 42
MilceryAlcremie when the Sweet Strawberry used on it
SnomFrosmoth if its level increases with happiness above 220 at NIGHT
CufantCopperajah at level 34
DreepyDrakloak at level 50
DrakloakDragapult at level 60
KubfuRapid Strike Urshifu
SprigatitoFloragato at level 16
FloragatoMeowscarada at level 36
FuecocoCrocalor at level 16
CrocalorSkeledirge at level 36
QuaxlyQuaxwell at level 16
QuaxwellQuaquaval at level 36
LechonkOinkologne at level 18 if its gender is MALE
LechonkFemale Oinkologne at level 18 if its gender is FEMALE
TarountulaSpidops at level 15
NymbleLokix at level 24
PawmiPawmo at level 18
PawmoPawmot if its level increases
TandemausMaushold at level 25 with chance 99%
TandemausFamily of Three Maushold at level 25
FidoughDachsbun at level 26
SmolivDolliv at level 25
DollivArboliva at level 35
NacliNaclstack at level 24
NaclstackGarganacl at level 38
CharcadetArmarouge when the Auspicious Armor used on it
CharcadetCeruledge when the Malicious Armor used on it
TadbulbBellibolt when the Thunder Stone used on it
WattrelKilowattrel at level 25
MaschiffMabosstiff at level 30
ShroodleGrafaiai at level 28
BramblinBrambleghast if its level increases
ToedscoolToedscruel at level 30
CapsakidScovillain when the Fire Stone used on it
RellorRabsca if its level increases
FlittleEspathra at level 35
TinkatinkTinkatuff at level 24
TinkatuffTinkaton at level 38
WiglettWugtrio at level 26
FinizenPalafin at level 38
VaroomRevavroom at level 40
GlimmetGlimmora at level 35
GreavardHoundstone at level 30 at NIGHT
CetoddleCetitan when the Ice Stone used on it
FrigibaxArctibax at level 35
ArctibaxBaxcalibur at level 54
GimmighoulGholdengo if its level increases
DipplinHydrapple if its level increases while knowing Dragon Cheer move
Counterfeit PoltchageistUnremarkable Sinistcha when the Unremarkable Teacup used on it
PoltchageistSinistcha when the Masterpiece Teacup used on it