Many Pokemon can evolve. There are several ways to evolve – leveling up, trading, using items. In addition, there are conditions for evolution, such as a certain biome, the gender of the Pokemon, or a high level of happiness. In the table you can find the Pokemon you need to find out how it evolves.
Pokemon | Evolution |
Bulbasaur | Ivysaur at level 16 |
Ivysaur | Venusaur at level 32 |
Charmander | Charmeleon at level 16 |
Charmeleon | Charizard at level 36 |
Squirtle | Wartortle at level 16 |
Wartortle | Blastoise at level 36 |
Caterpie | Metapod at level 7 |
Metapod | Butterfree at level 10 |
Weedle | Kakuna at level 7 |
Kakuna | Beedrill at level 10 |
Pidgey | Pidgeotto at level 18 |
Pidgeotto | Pidgeot at level 36 |
Rattata | Raticate at level 20 |
Alolan Rattata | Alolan Raticate at level 20 at NIGHT |
Spearow | Fearow at level 20 |
Ekans | Arbok at level 22 |
Pikachu | Alolan Raichu when the Thunder Stone used on it if there is the ALOLAN Pokemon on the party |
Pikachu | Raichu when the Thunder Stone used on it |
Sandshrew | Sandslash at level 22 |
Alolan Sandshrew | Alolan Sandslash when the Ice Stone used on it |
Nidoran Female | Nidorina at level 16 |
Nidorina | Nidoqueen when the Moon Stone used on it |
Nidoran Male | Nidorino at level 16 |
Nidorino | Nidoking when the Moon Stone used on it |
Clefairy | Clefable when the Moon Stone used on it |
Vulpix | Ninetales when the Fire Stone used on it |
Alolan Vulpix | Alolan Ninetales when the Ice Stone used on it |
Jigglypuff | Wigglytuff when the Moon Stone used on it |
Zubat | Golbat at level 22 |
Golbat | Crobat if its level increases with happiness above 220 |
Oddish | Gloom at level 21 |
Gloom | Vileplume when the Leaf Stone used on it |
Gloom | Bellossom when the Sun Stone used on it |
Paras | Parasect at level 24 |
Venonat | Venomoth at level 31 |
Diglett | Dugtrio at level 26 |
Alolan Diglett | Alolan Dugtrio at level 26 |
Meowth | Persian at level 28 |
Alolan Meowth | Alolan Persian if its level increases with happiness above 220 |
Galarian Meowth | Perrserker at level 28 |
Psyduck | Golduck at level 33 |
Mankey | Primeape at level 28 |
Primeape | Annihilape if its level increases after using the Rage Fist move 20 times |
Growlithe | Arcanine when the Fire Stone used on it |
Hisuian Growlithe | Hisuian Arcanine when the Fire Stone used on it |
Poliwag | Poliwhirl at level 25 |
Poliwhirl | Poliwrath when the Water Stone used on it |
Poliwhirl | Politoed when traded if the Pokemon is holding the Kings Rock |
Poliwhirl | Politoed when the Linking Cord used on it if the Pokemon is holding the Kings Rock |
Abra | Kadabra at level 16 |
Kadabra | Alakazam when traded |
Kadabra | Alakazam when the Linking Cord used on it |
Machop | Machoke at level 28 |
Machoke | Machamp when traded |
Machoke | Machamp when the Linking Cord used on it |
Bellsprout | Weepinbell at level 21 |
Weepinbell | Victreebel when the Leaf Stone used on it |
Tentacool | Tentacruel at level 30 |
Geodude | Graveler at level 25 |
Alolan Geodude | Alolan Graveler at level 25 |
Graveler | Golem when traded |
Graveler | Golem when the Linking Cord used on it |
Alolan Graveler | Alolan Golem when traded |
Alolan Graveler | Alolan Golem when the Linking Cord used on it |
Ponyta | Rapidash at level 40 |
Galarian Ponyta | Galarian Rapidash at level 40 |
Slowpoke | Slowking when traded if the Pokemon is holding the Kings Rock |
Slowpoke | Slowking when the Linking Cord used on it if the Pokemon is holding the Kings Rock |
Slowpoke | Slowbro at level 37 |
Galarian Slowpoke | Galarian Slowbro when the Galarica Cuff used on it |
Galarian Slowpoke | Galarian Slowking when the Galarica Wreath used on it |
Magnemite | Magneton at level 30 |
Magneton | Magnezone when the Thunder Stone used on it |
Magneton | Magnezone if its level increases in the Windswept Hills, Windswept Forest, Windswept Gravelly Hills biomes |
Galarian Farfetch d | Sirfetch d when it deals 3 critical hits in single battle |
Doduo | Dodrio at level 31 |
Seel | Dewgong at level 34 |
Grimer | Muk at level 38 |
Alolan Grimer | Alolan Muk at level 38 |
Shellder | Cloyster when the Water Stone used on it |
Gastly | Haunter at level 25 |
Haunter | Gengar when traded |
Haunter | Gengar when the Linking Cord used on it |
Onix | Steelix when traded if the Pokemon is holding the Metal Coat |
Onix | Steelix when the Linking Cord used on it if the Pokemon is holding the Metal Coat |
Drowzee | Hypno at level 26 |
Krabby | Kingler at level 28 |
Voltorb | Electrode at level 30 |
Hisuian Voltorb | Hisuian Electrode when the Leaf Stone used on it |
Exeggcute | Alolan Exeggutor when the Leaf Stone used on it if there is the ALOLAN Pokemon on the party |
Exeggcute | Exeggutor when the Leaf Stone used on it |
Cubone | Alolan Marowak at level 28 if there is the ALOLAN Pokemon on the party |
Cubone | Marowak at level 28 |
Lickitung | Lickilicky if its level increases while knowing Rollout move |
Koffing | Galarian Weezing at level 35 if it has a Burn status |
Koffing | Weezing at level 35 |
Rhyhorn | Rhydon at level 42 |
Rhydon | Rhyperior when traded if the Pokemon is holding the Protector |
Rhydon | Rhyperior when the Linking Cord used on it if the Pokemon is holding the Protector |
Chansey | Blissey if its level increases with happiness above 220 |
Tangela | Tangrowth if its level increases while knowing Ancient Power move |
Horsea | Seadra at level 32 |
Seadra | Kingdra when traded if the Pokemon is holding the Dragon Scale |
Seadra | Kingdra when the Linking Cord used on it if the Pokemon is holding the Dragon Scale |
Goldeen | Seaking at level 33 |
Staryu | Starmie when the Water Stone used on it |
Galarian Mr. Mime | Mr. Rime at level 42 |
Scyther | Scizor when traded if the Pokemon is holding the Metal Coat |
Scyther | Scizor when the Linking Cord used on it if the Pokemon is holding the Metal Coat |
Scyther | Kleavor when the Black Augurite used on it |
Electabuzz | Electivire when traded if the Pokemon is holding the Electirizer |
Electabuzz | Electivire when the Linking Cord used on it if the Pokemon is holding the Electirizer |
Magmar | Magmortar when traded if the Pokemon is holding the Magmarizer |
Magmar | Magmortar when the Linking Cord used on it if the Pokemon is holding the Magmarizer |
Magikarp | Gyarados at level 20 |
Eevee | Sylveon if its level increases with happiness above 220 if he knows the FAIRY type attack in the Flower Forest, Sunflower Plains biomes |
Eevee | Vaporeon when the Water Stone used on it |
Eevee | Jolteon when the Thunder Stone used on it |
Eevee | Flareon when the Fire Stone used on it |
Eevee | Espeon if its level increases with happiness above 220 at DAY |
Eevee | Umbreon if its level increases with happiness above 220 at NIGHT |
Eevee | Leafeon when the Leaf Stone used on it |
Eevee | Leafeon if its level increases if there is a Mossy Rock nearby |
Eevee | Glaceon when the Ice Stone used on it |
Eevee | Glaceon if its level increases if there is a Ice Rock nearby |
Porygon | Porygon2 when traded if the Pokemon is holding the Up Grade |
Porygon | Porygon2 when the Linking Cord used on it if the Pokemon is holding the Up Grade |
Omanyte | Omastar at level 40 |
Kabuto | Kabutops at level 40 |
Dratini | Dragonair at level 30 |
Dragonair | Dragonite at level 55 |
Chikorita | Bayleef at level 16 |
Bayleef | Meganium at level 32 |
Cyndaquil | Quilava at level 14 |
Quilava | Typhlosion at level 36 at DAY |
Quilava | Hisuian Typhlosion at level 36 at NIGHT |
Totodile | Croconaw at level 18 |
Croconaw | Feraligatr at level 30 |
Sentret | Furret at level 15 |
Hoothoot | Noctowl at level 20 |
Ledyba | Ledian at level 18 |
Spinarak | Ariados at level 22 |
Chinchou | Lanturn at level 27 |
Pichu | Pikachu if its level increases with happiness above 220 |
Cleffa | Clefairy if its level increases with happiness above 220 |
Igglybuff | Jigglypuff if its level increases with happiness above 220 |
Togepi | Togetic if its level increases with happiness above 220 |
Togetic | Togekiss when the Shiny Stone used on it |
Natu | Xatu at level 25 |
Mareep | Flaaffy at level 15 |
Flaaffy | Ampharos at level 30 |
Marill | Azumarill at level 18 |
Hoppip | Skiploom at level 18 |
Skiploom | Jumpluff at level 27 |
Aipom | Ambipom if its level increases while knowing Double Hit move |
Sunkern | Sunflora when the Sun Stone used on it |
Yanma | Yanmega if its level increases while knowing Ancient Power move |
Wooper | Quagsire at level 20 |
Paldean Wooper | Clodsire at level 20 |
Murkrow | Honchkrow when the Dusk Stone used on it |
Misdreavus | Mismagius when the Dusk Stone used on it |
Girafarig | Farigiraf if its level increases while knowing Twin Beam move |
Pineco | Forretress at level 31 |
Dunsparce | Dudunsparce if its level increases with chance 99% while knowing Hyper Drill move |
Dunsparce | Three-Segment Dudunsparce if its level increases while knowing Hyper Drill move |
Gligar | Gliscor if its level increases if the Pokemon is holding the Razor Fang at NIGHT |
Snubbull | Granbull at level 23 |
Hisuian Qwilfish | Overqwil if its level increases after using the Barb Barrage move 20 times |
Sneasel | Weavile if its level increases if the Pokemon is holding the Razor Claw at NIGHT |
Hisuian Sneasel | Sneasler when the Razor Claw used on it at DAY |
Teddiursa | Ursaring at level 30 |
Ursaring | Ursaluna when the Peat Block used on it at NIGHT |
Slugma | Magcargo at level 38 |
Swinub | Piloswine at level 33 |
Piloswine | Mamoswine if its level increases while knowing Ancient Power move |
Galarian Corsola | Cursola at level 38 |
Remoraid | Octillery at level 25 |
Houndour | Houndoom at level 24 |
Phanpy | Donphan at level 25 |
Porygon2 | Porygon-Z when traded if the Pokemon is holding the Dubious Disc |
Porygon2 | Porygon-Z when the Linking Cord used on it if the Pokemon is holding the Dubious Disc |
Stantler | Wyrdeer at level 21 if there is the HISUIAN Pokemon on the party |
Stantler | Wyrdeer if its level increases after using the Psyshield Bash move 20 times |
Tyrogue | Hitmonlee at level 20 if its ATTACK stat is greater than its DEFENSE stat |
Tyrogue | Hitmonchan at level 20 if its DEFENSE stat is greater than its ATTACK stat |
Tyrogue | Hitmontop at level 20 |
Smoochum | Jynx at level 30 |
Elekid | Electabuzz at level 30 |
Magby | Magmar at level 30 |
Larvitar | Pupitar at level 30 |
Pupitar | Tyranitar at level 55 |
Treecko | Grovyle at level 16 |
Grovyle | Sceptile at level 36 |
Torchic | Combusken at level 16 |
Combusken | Blaziken at level 36 |
Mudkip | Marshtomp at level 16 |
Marshtomp | Swampert at level 36 |
Poochyena | Mightyena at level 18 |
Zigzagoon | Linoone at level 20 |
Galarian Zigzagoon | Galarian Linoone at level 20 |
Galarian Linoone | Obstagoon at level 35 at NIGHT |
Wurmple | Silcoon at level 7 with chance 50% |
Wurmple | Cascoon at level 7 |
Silcoon | Beautifly at level 10 |
Cascoon | Dustox at level 10 |
Lotad | Lombre at level 14 |
Lombre | Ludicolo when the Water Stone used on it |
Seedot | Nuzleaf at level 14 |
Nuzleaf | Shiftry when the Leaf Stone used on it |
Taillow | Swellow at level 22 |
Wingull | Pelipper at level 25 |
Ralts | Kirlia at level 20 |
Kirlia | Gardevoir at level 30 |
Kirlia | Gallade when the Dawn Stone used on it if its gender is MALE |
Surskit | Masquerain at level 22 |
Shroomish | Breloom at level 23 |
Slakoth | Vigoroth at level 18 |
Vigoroth | Slaking at level 36 |
Nincada | Ninjask at level 20 |
Whismur | Loudred at level 20 |
Loudred | Exploud at level 40 |
Makuhita | Hariyama at level 24 |
Azurill | Marill if its level increases with happiness above 220 |
Nosepass | Probopass when the Thunder Stone used on it |
Nosepass | Probopass if its level increases in the Windswept Hills, Windswept Forest, Windswept Gravelly Hills biomes |
Skitty | Delcatty when the Moon Stone used on it |
Aron | Lairon at level 32 |
Lairon | Aggron at level 42 |
Meditite | Medicham at level 37 |
Electrike | Manectric at level 26 |
Roselia | Roserade when the Shiny Stone used on it |
Gulpin | Swalot at level 26 |
Carvanha | Sharpedo at level 30 |
Wailmer | Wailord at level 40 |
Numel | Camerupt at level 33 |
Spoink | Grumpig at level 32 |
Trapinch | Vibrava at level 35 |
Vibrava | Flygon at level 45 |
Cacnea | Cacturne at level 32 |
Swablu | Altaria at level 35 |
Barboach | Whiscash at level 30 |
Corphish | Crawdaunt at level 30 |
Baltoy | Claydol at level 36 |
Lileep | Cradily at level 40 |
Anorith | Armaldo at level 40 |
Feebas | Milotic when traded if the Pokemon is holding the Prism Scale |
Feebas | Milotic when the Linking Cord used on it if the Pokemon is holding the Prism Scale |
Shuppet | Banette at level 37 |
Duskull | Dusclops at level 37 |
Dusclops | Dusknoir when traded if the Pokemon is holding the Reaper Cloth |
Dusclops | Dusknoir when the Linking Cord used on it if the Pokemon is holding the Reaper Cloth |
Wynaut | Wobbuffet at level 15 |
Snorunt | Glalie at level 42 |
Snorunt | Froslass when the Dawn Stone used on it if its gender is FEMALE |
Spheal | Sealeo at level 32 |
Sealeo | Walrein at level 44 |
Clamperl | Gorebyss when traded if the Pokemon is holding the Deep Sea Scale |
Clamperl | Huntail when traded if the Pokemon is holding the Deep Sea Tooth |
Clamperl | Gorebyss when the Linking Cord used on it if the Pokemon is holding the Deep Sea Scale |
Clamperl | Huntail when the Linking Cord used on it if the Pokemon is holding the Deep Sea Tooth |
Bagon | Shelgon at level 30 |
Shelgon | Salamence at level 50 |
Beldum | Metang at level 20 |
Metang | Metagross at level 45 |
Turtwig | Grotle at level 18 |
Grotle | Torterra at level 32 |
Chimchar | Monferno at level 14 |
Monferno | Infernape at level 36 |
Piplup | Prinplup at level 16 |
Prinplup | Empoleon at level 36 |
Starly | Staravia at level 14 |
Staravia | Staraptor at level 34 |
Bidoof | Bibarel at level 15 |
Kricketot | Kricketune at level 10 |
Shinx | Luxio at level 15 |
Luxio | Luxray at level 30 |
Budew | Roselia if its level increases with happiness above 220 at DAY |
Cranidos | Rampardos at level 30 |
Shieldon | Bastiodon at level 30 |
Burmy | Wormadam at level 20 if its gender is FEMALE |
Burmy | Mothim at level 20 if its gender is MALE |
Combee | Vespiquen at level 21 if its gender is FEMALE |
Buizel | Floatzel at level 26 |
Cherubi | Cherrim at level 25 |
East Shellos | Gastrodon at level 30 |
Drifloon | Drifblim at level 28 |
Buneary | Lopunny if its level increases with happiness above 220 |
Glameow | Purugly at level 38 |
Chingling | Chimecho if its level increases with happiness above 220 at NIGHT |
Stunky | Skuntank at level 34 |
Bronzor | Bronzong at level 33 |
Bonsly | Sudowoodo if its level increases while knowing Mimic move |
Mime Jr. | Galarian Mr. Mime if its level increases while knowing Mimic move in the Snowy Taiga, Snowy Taiga Hills, Snowy Beach, Frozen River, Frozen Ocean, Snowy Taiga Mountains, Snowy Mountains, Snowy Tundra, Ice Spikes, Biomesoplenty:cold Desert, Biomesoplenty:muskeg, Biomesoplenty:snowy Coniferous Forest, Biomesoplenty:snowy Fir Clearing, Biomesoplenty:snowy Maple Forest, Byg:frozen Lake, Byg:lush Tundra, Byg:northern Forest, Byg:shattered Glacier, Byg:snowy Blue Giant Taiga, Byg:snowy Blue Taiga, Byg:snowy Coniferous Forest, Byg:snowy Deciduous Forest, Byg:snowy Evergreen Taiga, Byg:snowy Blue Taiga Hills, Byg:snowy Coniferous Forest Hills, Byg:snowy Deciduous Forest Hills, Byg:snowy Evergreen Hills, Byg:snowy Coniferous Clearing, Byg:snowy Deciduous Clearing, Byg:snowy Evergreen Clearing, Terraforged:frozen Lake, Terraforged:frozen Marsh, Terraforged:snowy Fir Forest, Terraforged:snowy Taiga Scrub biomes |
Mime Jr. | Mr. Mime if its level increases while knowing Mimic move |
Happiny | Chansey if its level increases if the Pokemon is holding the Oval Stone at DAY |
Gible | Gabite at level 24 |
Gabite | Garchomp at level 48 |
Munchlax | Snorlax if its level increases with happiness above 220 |
Riolu | Lucario if its level increases with happiness above 220 at DAY |
Hippopotas | Hippowdon at level 34 |
Skorupi | Drapion at level 40 |
Croagunk | Toxicroak at level 37 |
Finneon | Lumineon at level 31 |
Mantyke | Mantine if its level increases if there is the Pokemon Remoraid on the party |
Snover | Abomasnow at level 40 |
Snivy | Servine at level 17 |
Servine | Serperior at level 36 |
Tepig | Pignite at level 17 |
Pignite | Emboar at level 36 |
Oshawott | Dewott at level 17 |
Dewott | Samurott at level 36 at DAY |
Dewott | Hisuian Samurott at level 36 at NIGHT |
Patrat | Watchog at level 20 |
Lillipup | Herdier at level 16 |
Herdier | Stoutland at level 32 |
Purrloin | Liepard at level 20 |
Pansage | Simisage when the Leaf Stone used on it |
Pansear | Simisear when the Fire Stone used on it |
Panpour | Simipour when the Water Stone used on it |
Munna | Musharna when the Moon Stone used on it |
Pidove | Tranquill at level 21 |
Tranquill | Unfezant at level 32 |
Blitzle | Zebstrika at level 27 |
Roggenrola | Boldore at level 25 |
Boldore | Gigalith when traded |
Boldore | Gigalith when the Linking Cord used on it |
Woobat | Swoobat if its level increases with happiness above 220 |
Drilbur | Excadrill at level 31 |
Timburr | Gurdurr at level 25 |
Gurdurr | Conkeldurr when traded |
Gurdurr | Conkeldurr when the Linking Cord used on it |
Tympole | Palpitoad at level 25 |
Palpitoad | Seismitoad at level 36 |
Sewaddle | Swadloon at level 20 |
Swadloon | Leavanny if its level increases with happiness above 220 |
Venipede | Whirlipede at level 22 |
Whirlipede | Scolipede at level 30 |
Cottonee | Whimsicott when the Sun Stone used on it |
Petilil | Lilligant when the Sun Stone used on it at DAY |
Petilil | Hisuian Lilligant when the Sun Stone used on it at DAWN |
White Basculin | Basculegion after losing at least 294 HP from recoil damage without fainting if its gender is MALE |
White Basculin | Female Basculegion after losing at least 294 HP from recoil damage without fainting if its gender is FEMALE |
Sandile | Krokorok at level 29 |
Krokorok | Krookodile at level 40 |
Darumaka | Darmanitan at level 35 |
Galarian Darumaka | Galarian Darmanitan when the Ice Stone used on it |
Dwebble | Crustle at level 34 |
Scraggy | Scrafty at level 39 |
Yamask | Cofagrigus at level 34 |
Galarian Yamask | Runerigus in the Desert biome |
Tirtouga | Carracosta at level 37 |
Archen | Archeops at level 37 |
Trubbish | Garbodor at level 36 |
Zorua | Zoroark at level 30 |
Hisuian Zorua | Hisuian Zoroark at level 30 |
Minccino | Cinccino when the Shiny Stone used on it |
Gothita | Gothorita at level 32 |
Gothorita | Gothitelle at level 41 |
Solosis | Duosion at level 32 |
Duosion | Reuniclus at level 41 |
Ducklett | Swanna at level 35 |
Vanillite | Vanillish at level 35 |
Vanillish | Vanilluxe at level 47 |
Deerling | Sawsbuck at level 34 |
Karrablast | Escavalier when traded |
Karrablast | Escavalier when the Linking Cord used on it if there is the Pokemon Shelmet on the party |
Foongus | Amoonguss at level 39 |
Frillish | Jellicent at level 40 |
Joltik | Galvantula at level 36 |
Ferroseed | Ferrothorn at level 40 |
Klink | Klang at level 38 |
Klang | Klinklang at level 49 |
Tynamo | Eelektrik at level 39 |
Eelektrik | Eelektross when the Thunder Stone used on it |
Elgyem | Beheeyem at level 42 |
Litwick | Lampent at level 41 |
Lampent | Chandelure when the Dusk Stone used on it |
Axew | Fraxure at level 38 |
Fraxure | Haxorus at level 48 |
Cubchoo | Beartic at level 37 |
Shelmet | Accelgor when traded |
Shelmet | Accelgor when the Linking Cord used on it if there is the Pokemon Karrablast on the party |
Mienfoo | Mienshao at level 50 |
Golett | Golurk at level 43 |
Pawniard | Bisharp at level 52 |
Bisharp | Kingambit when the Leaders Crest used on it |
Rufflet | Braviary at level 54 at DAY |
Rufflet | Hisuian Braviary at level 54 at NIGHT |
Vullaby | Mandibuzz at level 54 |
Deino | Zweilous at level 50 |
Zweilous | Hydreigon at level 64 |
Larvesta | Volcarona at level 59 |
Chespin | Quilladin at level 16 |
Quilladin | Chesnaught at level 36 |
Fennekin | Braixen at level 16 |
Braixen | Delphox at level 36 |
Froakie | Frogadier at level 16 |
Frogadier | Greninja at level 36 |
Bunnelby | Diggersby at level 20 |
Fletchling | Fletchinder at level 17 |
Fletchinder | Talonflame at level 35 |
Scatterbug | Spewpa at level 9 |
Spewpa | Vivillon at level 12 |
Litleo | Pyroar at level 35 |
Flabebe | Floette at level 19 |
Floette | Florges when the Shiny Stone used on it |
Skiddo | Gogoat at level 32 |
Pancham | Pangoro at level 32 if there is DARK type Pokemon on the party |
Espurr | Meowstic at level 25 if its gender is MALE |
Espurr | Meowstic at level 25 if its gender is FEMALE |
Honedge | Doublade at level 35 |
Doublade | Aegislash when the Dusk Stone used on it |
Spritzee | Aromatisse when traded if the Pokemon is holding the Sachet |
Spritzee | Aromatisse when the Linking Cord used on it if the Pokemon is holding the Sachet |
Swirlix | Slurpuff when traded if the Pokemon is holding the Whipped Dream |
Swirlix | Slurpuff when the Linking Cord used on it if the Pokemon is holding the Whipped Dream |
Inkay | Malamar at level 30 |
Binacle | Barbaracle at level 39 |
Skrelp | Dragalge at level 48 |
Clauncher | Clawitzer at level 37 |
Helioptile | Heliolisk when the Sun Stone used on it |
Tyrunt | Tyrantrum at level 39 at DAY |
Amaura | Aurorus at level 39 at NIGHT |
Goomy | Hisuian Sliggoo at level 40 |
Goomy | Sliggoo at level 40 |
Sliggoo | Goodra at level 50 |
Hisuian Sliggoo | Hisuian Goodra at level 50 |
Phantump | Trevenant when traded |
Phantump | Trevenant when the Linking Cord used on it |
Pumpkaboo | Gourgeist when traded |
Pumpkaboo | Gourgeist when the Linking Cord used on it |
Bergmite | Avalugg at level 37 in the Ice Spikes biome |
Bergmite | Hisuian Avalugg at level 37 in the Snowy Taiga Hills biome |
Noibat | Noivern at level 48 |
Rowlet | Dartrix at level 17 |
Dartrix | Decidueye at level 34 at DAY |
Dartrix | Hisuian Decidueye at level 36 at DAWN |
Litten | Torracat at level 17 |
Torracat | Incineroar at level 34 |
Popplio | Brionne at level 17 |
Brionne | Primarina at level 34 |
Pikipek | Trumbeak at level 14 |
Trumbeak | Toucannon at level 28 |
Yungoos | Gumshoos at level 20 at DAY |
Grubbin | Charjabug at level 20 |
Charjabug | Vikavolt when the Thunder Stone used on it |
Charjabug | Vikavolt if its level increases in the Windswept Hills, Windswept Forest, Windswept Gravelly Hills biomes |
Crabrawler | Crabominable when the Ice Stone used on it |
Crabrawler | Crabominable if its level increases if there is a Ice Rock nearby |
Cutiefly | Ribombee at level 25 |
Rockruff | Lycanroc at level 25 at DAY |
Rockruff | Midnight Lycanroc at level 25 at NIGHT |
Rockruff | Dusk Lycanroc at level 25 at DUSK |
Mareanie | Toxapex at level 38 |
Mudbray | Mudsdale at level 30 |
Dewpider | Araquanid at level 22 |
Fomantis | Lurantis at level 34 at DAY |
Morelull | Shiinotic at level 24 |
Salandit | Salazzle at level 33 if its gender is FEMALE |
Stufful | Bewear at level 27 |
Bounsweet | Steenee at level 18 |
Steenee | Tsareena if its level increases while knowing Stomp move |
Wimpod | Golisopod at level 30 |
Sandygast | Palossand at level 42 |
Type: Null | Silvally if its level increases with happiness above 220 |
Jangmo-o | Hakamo-o at level 35 |
Hakamo-o | Kommo-o at level 45 |
Cosmog | Cosmoem at level 43 |
Cosmoem | Solgaleo at level 53 at DAY |
Cosmoem | Lunala at level 53 at NIGHT |
Poipole | Naganadel if its level increases while knowing Dragon Pulse move |
Meltan | Melmetal if its level increases |
Grookey | Thwackey at level 16 |
Thwackey | Rillaboom at level 35 |
Scorbunny | Raboot at level 16 |
Raboot | Cinderace at level 35 |
Sobble | Drizzile at level 16 |
Drizzile | Inteleon at level 35 |
Skwovet | Greedent at level 24 |
Rookidee | Corvisquire at level 18 |
Corvisquire | Corviknight at level 38 |
Blipbug | Dottler at level 10 |
Dottler | Orbeetle at level 30 |
Nickit | Thievul at level 18 |
Gossifleur | Eldegoss at level 20 |
Wooloo | Dubwool at level 24 |
Chewtle | Drednaw at level 22 |
Yamper | Boltund at level 25 |
Rolycoly | Carkol at level 18 |
Carkol | Coalossal at level 34 |
Applin | Flapple when the Tart Apple used on it |
Applin | Appletun when the Sweet Apple used on it |
Silicobra | Sandaconda at level 36 |
Arrokuda | Barraskewda at level 26 |
Toxel | Amped Toxtricity at level 30 |
Toxel | Toxtricity at level 30 |
Sizzlipede | Centiskorch at level 28 |
Clobbopus | Grapploct if its level increases while knowing Taunt move |
Phony Sinistea | Phony Polteageist when the Cracked Pot used on it |
Sinistea | Polteageist when the Chipped Pot used on it |
Hatenna | Hattrem at level 32 |
Hattrem | Hatterene at level 42 |
Impidimp | Morgrem at level 32 |
Morgrem | Grimmsnarl at level 42 |
Milcery | Alcremie when the Sweet Strawberry used on it |
Snom | Frosmoth if its level increases with happiness above 220 at NIGHT |
Cufant | Copperajah at level 34 |
Dreepy | Drakloak at level 50 |
Drakloak | Dragapult at level 60 |
Kubfu | Urshifu |
Kubfu | Rapid Strike Urshifu |
Sprigatito | Floragato at level 16 |
Floragato | Meowscarada at level 36 |
Fuecoco | Crocalor at level 16 |
Crocalor | Skeledirge at level 36 |
Quaxly | Quaxwell at level 16 |
Quaxwell | Quaquaval at level 36 |
Lechonk | Oinkologne at level 18 if its gender is MALE |
Lechonk | Female Oinkologne at level 18 if its gender is FEMALE |
Tarountula | Spidops at level 15 |
Nymble | Lokix at level 24 |
Pawmi | Pawmo at level 18 |
Pawmo | Pawmot if its level increases |
Tandemaus | Maushold at level 25 with chance 99% |
Tandemaus | Family of Three Maushold at level 25 |
Fidough | Dachsbun at level 26 |
Smoliv | Dolliv at level 25 |
Dolliv | Arboliva at level 35 |
Nacli | Naclstack at level 24 |
Naclstack | Garganacl at level 38 |
Charcadet | Armarouge when the Auspicious Armor used on it |
Charcadet | Ceruledge when the Malicious Armor used on it |
Tadbulb | Bellibolt when the Thunder Stone used on it |
Wattrel | Kilowattrel at level 25 |
Maschiff | Mabosstiff at level 30 |
Shroodle | Grafaiai at level 28 |
Bramblin | Brambleghast if its level increases |
Toedscool | Toedscruel at level 30 |
Capsakid | Scovillain when the Fire Stone used on it |
Rellor | Rabsca if its level increases |
Flittle | Espathra at level 35 |
Tinkatink | Tinkatuff at level 24 |
Tinkatuff | Tinkaton at level 38 |
Wiglett | Wugtrio at level 26 |
Finizen | Palafin at level 38 |
Varoom | Revavroom at level 40 |
Glimmet | Glimmora at level 35 |
Greavard | Houndstone at level 30 at NIGHT |
Cetoddle | Cetitan when the Ice Stone used on it |
Frigibax | Arctibax at level 35 |
Arctibax | Baxcalibur at level 54 |
Gimmighoul | Gholdengo if its level increases |
Dipplin | Hydrapple if its level increases while knowing Dragon Cheer move |
Counterfeit Poltchageist | Unremarkable Sinistcha when the Unremarkable Teacup used on it |
Poltchageist | Sinistcha when the Masterpiece Teacup used on it |