Amorphous Egg Group

Amorphous egg group is one of the 15 egg groups of Pokemon.

There are 79 Pokemon with this egg group.


PokemonEgg Group 1Egg Group 2Type 1Type 2
Grimer Amorphous egg group Poison
Alolan Grimer Amorphous egg group Poison Dark
Muk Amorphous egg group Poison
Alolan Muk Amorphous egg group Poison Dark
Gastly Amorphous egg group Ghost Poison
Haunter Amorphous egg group Ghost Poison
Gengar Amorphous egg group Ghost Poison
Koffing Amorphous egg group Poison
Weezing Amorphous egg group Poison
Galarian Weezing Amorphous egg group Poison Fairy
Misdreavus Amorphous egg group Ghost
Wobbuffet Amorphous egg group Psychic
Slugma Amorphous egg group Fire
Magcargo Amorphous egg group Fire Rock
Ralts Amorphous egg group Humanlike egg group Psychic Fairy
Kirlia Amorphous egg group Humanlike egg group Psychic Fairy
Gardevoir Amorphous egg group Humanlike egg group Psychic Fairy
Gulpin Amorphous egg group Poison
Swalot Amorphous egg group Poison
Castform Fairy egg group Amorphous egg group Normal
Shuppet Amorphous egg group Ghost
Banette Amorphous egg group Ghost
Duskull Amorphous egg group Ghost
Dusclops Amorphous egg group Ghost
Chimecho Amorphous egg group Psychic
East Shellos Water 1 egg group Amorphous egg group Water
Shellos Water 1 egg group Amorphous egg group Water
East Gastrodon Water 1 egg group Amorphous egg group Water Ground
Gastrodon Water 1 egg group Amorphous egg group Water Ground
Drifloon Amorphous egg group Ghost Flying
Drifblim Amorphous egg group Ghost Flying
Mismagius Amorphous egg group Ghost
Spiritomb Amorphous egg group Ghost Dark
Gallade Amorphous egg group Humanlike egg group Psychic Fighting
Dusknoir Amorphous egg group Ghost
Rotom Amorphous egg group Electric Ghost
Heat Rotom Amorphous egg group Electric Fire
Wash Rotom Amorphous egg group Electric Water
Frost Rotom Amorphous egg group Electric Ice
Fan Rotom Amorphous egg group Electric Flying
Mow Rotom Amorphous egg group Electric Grass
Yamask Mineral egg group Amorphous egg group Ghost
Galarian Yamask Mineral egg group Amorphous egg group Ground Ghost
Cofagrigus Mineral egg group Amorphous egg group Ghost
Solosis Amorphous egg group Psychic
Duosion Amorphous egg group Psychic
Reuniclus Amorphous egg group Psychic
Frillish Amorphous egg group Water Ghost
Jellicent Amorphous egg group Water Ghost
Tynamo Amorphous egg group Electric
Eelektrik Amorphous egg group Electric
Eelektross Amorphous egg group Electric
Litwick Amorphous egg group Ghost Fire
Lampent Amorphous egg group Ghost Fire
Chandelure Amorphous egg group Ghost Fire
Stunfisk Water 1 egg group Amorphous egg group Ground Electric
Galarian Stunfisk Water 1 egg group Amorphous egg group Ground Steel
Phantump Grass egg group Amorphous egg group Ghost Grass
Trevenant Grass egg group Amorphous egg group Ghost Grass
Pumpkaboo Amorphous egg group Ghost Grass
Gourgeist Amorphous egg group Ghost Grass
Sandygast Amorphous egg group Ghost Ground
Palossand Amorphous egg group Ghost Ground
Mimikyu Amorphous egg group Ghost Fairy
Phony Sinistea Mineral egg group Amorphous egg group Ghost
Sinistea Mineral egg group Amorphous egg group Ghost
Phony Polteageist Mineral egg group Amorphous egg group Ghost
Polteageist Mineral egg group Amorphous egg group Ghost
Runerigus Mineral egg group Amorphous egg group Ground Ghost
Milcery Fairy egg group Amorphous egg group Fairy
Alcremie Fairy egg group Amorphous egg group Fairy
Pincurchin Water 1 egg group Amorphous egg group Electric
Dreepy Amorphous egg group Dragon egg group Dragon Ghost
Drakloak Amorphous egg group Dragon egg group Dragon Ghost
Dragapult Amorphous egg group Dragon egg group Dragon Ghost
Counterfeit Poltchageist Mineral egg group Amorphous egg group Grass Ghost
Poltchageist Mineral egg group Amorphous egg group Grass Ghost
Unremarkable Sinistcha Mineral egg group Amorphous egg group Grass Ghost
Sinistcha Mineral egg group Amorphous egg group Grass Ghost

Amorphous Egg Group is one of 15 egg groups, these Pokemon can be breed with each other.