Ground Type

Ground - is one of 18 types in the Pixelmon mod.

There are currently 92 Pokemon and 33 moves of this type.


  1. Type efficiency
  2. Pokemon
  3. Moves

Type efficiency



IDPokemonType 1Type 2Egg Group 1Egg Group 2
0027SandshrewGroundField egg group
0028SandslashGroundField egg group
0031NidoqueenPoisonGroundUndiscovered egg group
0034NidokingPoisonGroundMonster egg groupField egg group
0050DiglettGroundField egg group
0050Alolan DiglettGroundSteelField egg group
0051DugtrioGroundField egg group
0051Alolan DugtrioGroundSteelField egg group
0074GeodudeRockGroundMineral egg group
0075GravelerRockGroundMineral egg group
0076GolemRockGroundMineral egg group
0095OnixRockGroundMineral egg group
0104CuboneGroundMonster egg group
0105MarowakGroundMonster egg group
0111RhyhornGroundRockMonster egg groupField egg group
0112RhydonGroundRockMonster egg groupField egg group
0194WooperWaterGroundWater 1 egg groupField egg group
0194Paldean WooperPoisonGroundWater 1 egg groupField egg group
0195QuagsireWaterGroundWater 1 egg groupField egg group
0207GligarGroundFlyingBug egg group
0208SteelixSteelGroundMineral egg group
0208Mega SteelixSteelGround
0220SwinubIceGroundField egg group
0221PiloswineIceGroundField egg group
0231PhanpyGroundField egg group
0232DonphanGroundField egg group
0246LarvitarRockGroundMonster egg group
0247PupitarRockGroundMonster egg group
0259MarshtompWaterGroundMonster egg groupWater 1 egg group
0260SwampertWaterGroundMonster egg groupWater 1 egg group
0260Mega SwampertWaterGround
0290NincadaBugGroundBug egg group
0322NumelFireGroundField egg group
0323CameruptFireGroundField egg group
0323Mega CameruptFireGround
0328TrapinchGroundBug egg groupDragon egg group
0329VibravaGroundDragonBug egg groupDragon egg group
0330FlygonGroundDragonBug egg groupDragon egg group
0339BarboachWaterGroundWater 2 egg group
0340WhiscashWaterGroundWater 2 egg group
0343BaltoyGroundPsychicMineral egg group
0344ClaydolGroundPsychicMineral egg group
0383GroudonGroundUndiscovered egg group
0383Primal GroudonGroundFire
0389TorterraGrassGroundMonster egg groupGrass egg group
0413Sandy WormadamBugGroundBug egg group
0423East GastrodonWaterGroundWater 1 egg groupAmorphous egg group
0423GastrodonWaterGroundWater 1 egg groupAmorphous egg group
0443GibleDragonGroundMonster egg groupDragon egg group
0444GabiteDragonGroundMonster egg groupDragon egg group
0445GarchompDragonGroundMonster egg groupDragon egg group
0445Mega GarchompDragonGround
0449HippopotasGroundField egg group
0450HippowdonGroundField egg group
0464RhyperiorGroundRockMonster egg groupField egg group
0472GliscorGroundFlyingBug egg group
0473MamoswineIceGroundField egg group
0529DrilburGroundField egg group
0530ExcadrillGroundSteelField egg group
0536PalpitoadWaterGroundWater 1 egg group
0537SeismitoadWaterGroundWater 1 egg group
0551SandileGroundDarkField egg group
0552KrokorokGroundDarkField egg group
0553KrookodileGroundDarkField egg group
0562Galarian YamaskGroundGhostMineral egg groupAmorphous egg group
0618StunfiskGroundElectricWater 1 egg groupAmorphous egg group
0618Galarian StunfiskGroundSteelWater 1 egg groupAmorphous egg group
0622GolettGroundGhostMineral egg group
0623GolurkGroundGhostMineral egg group
0645LandorusGroundFlyingUndiscovered egg group
0645Therian LandorusGroundFlyingUndiscovered egg group
0660DiggersbyNormalGroundField egg group
0718ZygardeDragonGroundUndiscovered egg group
0718Ten Percent ZygardeDragonGroundUndiscovered egg group
0718Complete ZygardeDragonGround
0749MudbrayGroundField egg group
0750MudsdaleGroundField egg group
0769SandygastGhostGroundAmorphous egg group
0770PalossandGhostGroundAmorphous egg group
0843SilicobraGroundField egg groupDragon egg group
0844SandacondaGroundField egg groupDragon egg group
0844Gigantamax SandacondaGround
0867RunerigusGroundGhostMineral egg groupAmorphous egg group
0901UrsalunaGroundNormalField egg group
0901Blood Moon UrsalunaGroundNormalField egg group
0948ToedscoolGroundGrassGrass egg group
0949ToedscruelGroundGrassGrass egg group
0980ClodsirePoisonGroundWater 1 egg groupField egg group
0984Great TuskGroundFightingUndiscovered egg group
0989Sandy ShocksElectricGroundUndiscovered egg group
0990Iron TreadsGroundSteelUndiscovered egg group
1003Ting-LuDarkGroundUndiscovered egg group


Атака Тип Кат. Мощн. Точн. PP
Bone Club Ground PHYSICAL 65 85 20
Bone Rush Ground PHYSICAL 25 90 10
Bonemerang Ground PHYSICAL 50 90 10
Bulldoze Ground PHYSICAL 60 100 20
Dig Ground PHYSICAL 80 100 10
Drill Run Ground PHYSICAL 80 95 10
Earth Power Ground SPECIAL 90 100 10
Earthquake Ground PHYSICAL 100 100 10
Fissure Ground PHYSICAL 5
Headlong Rush Ground PHYSICAL 100 100 5
High Horsepower Ground PHYSICAL 95 95 10
Lands Wrath Ground PHYSICAL 90 100 10
Magnitude Ground PHYSICAL 100 30
Mud-Slap Ground SPECIAL 20 100 10
Ancient Mud-Slap Ground SPECIAL 20 100 10
Mud Bomb Ground SPECIAL 65 85 10
Ancient Mud Bomb Ground SPECIAL 65 85 10
Mud Shot Ground SPECIAL 55 95 15
Mud Sport Ground STATUS 15
Precipice Blades Ground PHYSICAL 120 85 10
Rototiller Ground STATUS 10
Sand Attack Ground STATUS 100 15
Sand Tomb Ground PHYSICAL 35 85 15
Sandsear Storm Ground SPECIAL 95 80 5
Scorching Sands Ground SPECIAL 70 100 10
Shore Up Ground STATUS 10
Spikes Ground STATUS -2 20
Stomping Tantrum Ground PHYSICAL 75 100 10
Thousand Arrows Ground PHYSICAL 90 100 10
Thousand Waves Ground PHYSICAL 90 100 10
G-Max Sandblast Ground 10
Max Quake Ground 10
Tectonic Rage Ground -1 1