Pokemon Terastal Terapagos #1024

Terastal Terapagos is a Legendary Pokemon with the Normal type from Generation 9.
Type 1Normal
Type 2-
Ability 1Coming Soon
Ability 2-

Other Forms


  1. Pokegive Command
  2. Pokespawn Command
  3. Stats
  4. Efficiency in defense
  5. Moves
    1. Level Up
    2. TM

Pokegive Command

Pokespawn Command


S ATK105
S DEF110

Efficiency in defense

The lower the coefficient, the better the Pokemon is protected from attacks of this type.



Level Up

Lev. Attack Type Cat. Pow. Acc. PP
0 Rapid Spin Normal PHYSICAL 50 100 40
0 Tri Attack Normal SPECIAL 80 100 10
0 Withdraw Water STATUS 40
10 Ancient Power Rock SPECIAL 60 100 5
20 Headbutt Normal PHYSICAL 70 100 15
30 Protect Normal STATUS 10
40 Earth Power Ground SPECIAL 90 100 10
50 Heavy Slam Steel PHYSICAL 100 10
60 Tera Starstorm
70 Double-Edge Normal PHYSICAL 120 100 15
80 Rock Polish Rock STATUS 20
90 Gyro Ball Steel PHYSICAL 100 5


Move Type Cat. Pow. Acc. PP TM Gens
Rest Psychic STATUS 10 9
Roar Normal STATUS 20 9
Surf Water SPECIAL 90 100 15 9
Toxic Poison STATUS 90 10 9
Crunch Dark PHYSICAL 80 100 15 9
Endure Normal STATUS 10 9
Facade Normal PHYSICAL 70 100 20 9
Gravity Psychic STATUS 5 9
Protect Normal STATUS 10 9
Thunder Electric SPECIAL 110 70 10 9
Bug Buzz Bug SPECIAL 90 100 10 9
Ice Beam Ice SPECIAL 90 100 10 9
Body Slam Normal PHYSICAL 85 100 15 9
Calm Mind Psychic STATUS 20 9
Gyro Ball Steel PHYSICAL 100 5 9
Iron Head Steel PHYSICAL 80 100 15 9
Power Gem Rock SPECIAL 80 100 20 9
Sunny Day Fire STATUS 5 9
Take Down Normal PHYSICAL 90 85 20 9
Body Press Fighting PHYSICAL 80 100 10 9
Dark Pulse Dark SPECIAL 80 100 15 9
Earthquake Ground PHYSICAL 100 100 10 9
Heat Crash Fire PHYSICAL 100 10 9
Heavy Slam Steel PHYSICAL 100 10 9
Hyper Beam Normal SPECIAL 150 90 5 9
Rain Dance Water STATUS 5 9
Rock Slide Rock PHYSICAL 75 90 10 9
Sleep Talk Normal STATUS 10 9
Solar Beam Grass SPECIAL 120 100 10 9
Stone Edge Rock PHYSICAL 100 80 5 9
Substitute Normal STATUS 10 9
Aura Sphere Fighting SPECIAL 80 20 9
Double-Edge Normal PHYSICAL 120 100 15 9
Earth Power Ground SPECIAL 90 100 10 9
Energy Ball Grass SPECIAL 90 100 10 9
Flare Blitz Fire PHYSICAL 120 100 15 9
Giga Impact Normal PHYSICAL 150 90 5 9
Ice Spinner Ice PHYSICAL 80 100 15 9
Meteor Beam Rock SPECIAL 120 90 10 9
Thunderbolt Electric SPECIAL 90 100 15 9
Water Pulse Water SPECIAL 60 100 20 9
Wild Charge Electric PHYSICAL 90 100 15 9
Dragon Pulse Dragon SPECIAL 85 100 10 9
Flamethrower Fire SPECIAL 90 100 15 9
Flash Cannon Steel SPECIAL 80 100 10 9
Stealth Rock Rock STATUS -2 20 9
Stored Power Psychic SPECIAL 20 100 10 9
Weather Ball Normal SPECIAL 50 100 10 9
Zen Headbutt Psychic PHYSICAL 80 90 15 9
Dazzling Gleam Fairy SPECIAL 80 100 10 9
Scorching Sands Ground SPECIAL 70 100 10 9