Pokemon Gigantamax Corviknight #0823

Gigantamax Corviknight is a Pokemon with Flying and Steel types from Generation 8.
Type 1Flying
Type 2Steel
Ability 1Pressure
Ability 2Unnerve
HiddenMirror Armor

Other Forms


  1. Pokegive Command
  2. Pokespawn Command
  3. Stats
  4. Efficiency in defense
  5. Moves
    1. Level Up
    2. TR
    3. Egg
    4. Tutor
    5. TM

Pokegive Command

Pokespawn Command



Efficiency in defense

The lower the coefficient, the better the Pokemon is protected from attacks of this type.



Level Up

Lev. Attack Type Cat. Pow. Acc. PP
0 Hone Claws Dark STATUS 15
0 Iron Defense Steel STATUS 15
0 Leer Normal STATUS 100 30
0 Metal Sound Steel STATUS 85 40
0 Peck Flying PHYSICAL 35 100 35
0 Power Trip Dark PHYSICAL 20 100 10
0 Screech Normal STATUS 85 40
0 Steel Wing Steel PHYSICAL 70 90 25
12 Fury Attack Normal PHYSICAL 15 85 20
16 Pluck Flying PHYSICAL 60 100 20
22 Taunt Dark STATUS 100 20
28 Scary Face Normal STATUS 100 10
34 Drill Peck Flying PHYSICAL 80 100 20
42 Swagger Normal STATUS 85 15
50 Brave Bird Flying PHYSICAL 120 100 15


Move Type Cat. Pow. Acc. PP
Body Slam Normal PHYSICAL 85 100 15
Agility Psychic STATUS 30
Focus Energy Normal STATUS 30
Substitute Normal STATUS 10
Reversal Fighting PHYSICAL 100 15
Endure Normal STATUS 10
Sleep Talk Normal STATUS 10
Taunt Dark STATUS 100 20
Iron Defense Steel STATUS 15
Bulk Up Fighting STATUS 20
Brave Bird Flying PHYSICAL 120 100 15
Nasty Plot Dark STATUS 20
Flash Cannon Steel SPECIAL 80 100 10
Iron Head Steel PHYSICAL 80 100 15
Heavy Slam Steel PHYSICAL 100 10
Work Up Normal STATUS 30
Hurricane Flying SPECIAL 110 70 10
Body Press Fighting PHYSICAL 80 100 10


Move Type Cat. Pow. Acc. PP
Defog Flying STATUS 15
Rock Smash Fighting PHYSICAL 40 100 15
Roost Flying STATUS 10
Sand Attack Ground STATUS 100 15
Sky Attack Flying PHYSICAL 140 90 5
Spite Ghost STATUS 100 10
Tailwind Flying STATUS 15


Move Type Cat. Pow. Acc. PP
Dual Wingbeat Flying PHYSICAL 40 90 10
Steel Beam Steel SPECIAL 140 95 5


Move Type Cat. Pow. Acc. PP TM Gens
Fly Flying PHYSICAL 90 95 15 8, 9
Rest Psychic STATUS 10 8, 9
Curse Ghost STATUS 10 9
Round Normal SPECIAL 60 100 15 8
Snore Normal SPECIAL 50 100 15 8
Spite Ghost STATUS 100 10 9
Swift Normal SPECIAL 60 20 8, 9
Taunt Dark STATUS 100 20 9
Thief Dark PHYSICAL 60 100 25 8, 9
Endure Normal STATUS 10 9
Facade Normal PHYSICAL 70 100 20 8, 9
U-turn Bug PHYSICAL 70 100 20 8, 9
Agility Psychic STATUS 30 9
Attract Normal STATUS 100 15 8
Bulk Up Fighting STATUS 20 9
Payback Dark PHYSICAL 50 100 10 8
Protect Normal STATUS 10 8, 9
Reflect Psychic STATUS 20 8, 9
Revenge Fighting PHYSICAL 60 100 10 8
Screech Normal STATUS 85 40 8
Reversal Fighting PHYSICAL 100 15 9
Tailwind Flying STATUS 15 9
Air Slash Flying SPECIAL 75 95 15 8, 9
Assurance Dark PHYSICAL 60 100 10 8
Body Slam Normal PHYSICAL 85 100 15 9
Hurricane Flying SPECIAL 110 70 10 9
Iron Head Steel PHYSICAL 80 100 15 9
Retaliate Normal PHYSICAL 70 100 5 8
Sunny Day Fire STATUS 5 9
Take Down Normal PHYSICAL 90 85 20 9
Aerial Ace Flying PHYSICAL 60 20 9
Air Cutter Flying SPECIAL 60 95 25 9
Body Press Fighting PHYSICAL 80 100 10 9
Brave Bird Flying PHYSICAL 120 100 15 9
Fake Tears Dark STATUS 100 20 8, 9
Heavy Slam Steel PHYSICAL 100 10 9
Hyper Beam Normal SPECIAL 150 90 5 8, 9
Metal Claw Steel PHYSICAL 50 95 35 9
Nasty Plot Dark STATUS 20 9
Rain Dance Water STATUS 5 9
Scary Face Normal STATUS 100 10 8, 9
Sleep Talk Normal STATUS 10 9
Steel Beam Steel SPECIAL 140 95 5 9
Steel Wing Steel PHYSICAL 70 90 25 8
Substitute Normal STATUS 10 9
Double-Edge Normal PHYSICAL 120 100 15 9
Giga Impact Normal PHYSICAL 150 90 5 8, 9
Metal Sound Steel STATUS 85 40 9
Flash Cannon Steel SPECIAL 80 100 10 9
Iron Defense Steel STATUS 15 9
Light Screen Psychic STATUS 30 8, 9
Dual Wingbeat Flying PHYSICAL 40 90 10 9