Pokemon Araquanid #0752

Araquanid is a Mount Pokemon with Water and Bug types from Generation 7.

It spawns in the Swamp, River and other biomes.

Evolves from Dewpider at level 22.

Type 1Water
Type 2Bug
Ability 1Water Bubble
Ability 2-
HiddenWater Absorb
Rideable +


  1. Pokegive Command
  2. Pokespawn Command
  3. Stats
  4. Spawn
  5. Catching
  6. Drops
  7. Efficiency in defense
  8. Breeding
  9. Moves
    1. Level Up
    2. TR
    3. Egg
    4. Tutor
    5. Transfer
    6. TM

Pokegive Command

Pokespawn Command


S DEF132


Spawn variant 1

Rarity: 8
Locations: Seafloor
Levels: 22-40
Biomes list

Spawn variant 2

Rarity: 25
Locations: Seafloor
Levels: 22-40
Biomes list


Catch Rate: 100

Parkball 100% 1
Originball 100% 1
Masterball 100% 1
If the player has the same Pokemon of the opposite gender 100% 1
If the level is 4 times higher 100% 1
If wild pokemon sleep 100% 1
On the first turn 65.36% 1
While fishing 65.36% 1
From turn 11 52.29% 1
If the player has the same Pokemon 45.75% 1
In Water 45.75% 1
In dark places 39.22% 1
Gigatonball 35.95% 1
Ultraball 26.14% 1
Leadenball 26.14% 1
Ancient Ultraball 26.14% 1
In the Plains or Savanna biomes 19.61% 1
Jetball 19.61% 1
Greatball 19.61% 1
Ancient Greatball 19.61% 1
Wingball 16.34% 1
Ancient Heavyball 16.34% 1
Level 35. If the level is lower, the chance will increase 15.69% 1
Strangeball 13.07% 1
This Pokemon is not a Water or Bug type 13.07% 1
Premierball 13.07% 1
Pokeball 13.07% 1
Netball 13.07% 1
This Pokemon is not related to Moon Stone 13.07% 1
Luxuryball 13.07% 1
Healball 13.07% 1
GSball 13.07% 1
Friendball 13.07% 1
Featherball 13.07% 1
This Pokemon is not fast enough 13.07% 1
Christmas Pokeball 13.07% 1
Cherishball 13.07% 1
Ancient Pokeball 13.07% 1
This Pokemon is not Ultra Beast 1.31% 1
This Pokemon isn't heavy enough 0% 1


String 1 3 100%
Seagrass 1 2 50%
Bug Gem 1 1 10%

Efficiency in defense

The lower the coefficient, the better the Pokemon is protected from attacks of this type.



Egg Group 1: Water 1 egg groupEgg Group 2: Bug egg groupEgg Cycles: 15 Male: 50% Female: 50%

This Pokemon can breed with Pokemon from the Water 1 egg group and Bug egg group egg groups

Required Items

Water Bucket2minecraft:water_bucket
Spider Eye3minecraft:spider_eye


Level Up

Lev. Attack Type Cat. Pow. Acc. PP
0 Bite Dark PHYSICAL 60 100 25
0 Bug Bite Bug PHYSICAL 60 100 20
0 Infestation Bug SPECIAL 20 100 20
0 Water Gun Water SPECIAL 40 100 25
0 Wide Guard Rock STATUS 10
12 Bubble Beam Water SPECIAL 65 100 20
16 Aqua Ring Water STATUS 20
20 Headbutt Normal PHYSICAL 70 100 15
26 Crunch Dark PHYSICAL 80 100 15
32 Soak Water STATUS 20
38 Entrainment Normal STATUS 100 15
44 Lunge Bug PHYSICAL 80 100 15
50 Liquidation Water PHYSICAL 85 100 10
56 Leech Life Bug PHYSICAL 80 100 10
62 Mirror Coat Psychic SPECIAL 100 20


Move Type Cat. Pow. Acc. PP
Hydro Pump Water SPECIAL 110 80 5
Surf Water SPECIAL 90 100 15
Ice Beam Ice SPECIAL 90 100 10
Blizzard Ice SPECIAL 110 70 5
Waterfall Water PHYSICAL 80 100 15
Leech Life Bug PHYSICAL 80 100 10
Substitute Normal STATUS 10
Endure Normal STATUS 10
Sleep Talk Normal STATUS 10
Crunch Dark PHYSICAL 80 100 15
Iron Defense Steel STATUS 15
Poison Jab Poison PHYSICAL 80 100 20
X-Scissor Bug PHYSICAL 80 100 15
Bug Buzz Bug SPECIAL 90 100 10
Scald Water SPECIAL 80 100 15
Liquidation Water PHYSICAL 85 100 10


Move Type Cat. Pow. Acc. PP
Power Split Psychic STATUS 10
Spit Up Normal SPECIAL 100 10
Sticky Web Bug STATUS -2 20
Stockpile Normal STATUS 20


Move Type Cat. Pow. Acc. PP
Skitter Smack Bug PHYSICAL 70 90 10


Move Type Cat. Pow. Acc. PP
Aurora Beam Ice SPECIAL 65 100 20
Bubble Water SPECIAL 40 100 30
Confide Normal STATUS 20
Double Team Normal STATUS 15
Frost Breath Ice SPECIAL 60 90 10
Frustration Normal PHYSICAL 100 20
Hidden Power Normal SPECIAL 60 100 15
Laser Focus Normal STATUS 30
Magic Coat Psychic STATUS 15
Return Normal PHYSICAL 100 20
Signal Beam Bug SPECIAL 75 100 15
Spider Web Bug STATUS 10
Swagger Normal STATUS 85 15
Toxic Poison STATUS 90 10
Water Pulse Water SPECIAL 60 100 20
Water Sport Water STATUS 15


Move Type Cat. Pow. Acc. PP TM Gens
Dive Water PHYSICAL 80 100 10 8
Rest Psychic STATUS 10 7, 8, 9
Surf Water SPECIAL 90 100 15 7, 9
Lunge Bug PHYSICAL 80 100 15 9
Round Normal SPECIAL 60 100 15 7, 8
Scald Water SPECIAL 80 100 15 7
Snore Normal SPECIAL 50 100 15 8
Toxic Poison STATUS 90 10 7
Crunch Dark PHYSICAL 80 100 15 9
Endure Normal STATUS 10 9
Facade Normal PHYSICAL 70 100 20 7, 8, 9
Pounce Bug PHYSICAL 50 100 20 9
Return Normal PHYSICAL 100 20 7
Attract Normal STATUS 100 15 7, 8
Confide Normal STATUS 20 7
Protect Normal STATUS 10 7, 8, 9
Reflect Psychic STATUS 20 7, 8, 9
Swagger Normal STATUS 85 15 7
Blizzard Ice SPECIAL 110 70 5 7, 9
Bug Bite Bug PHYSICAL 60 100 20 9
Bug Buzz Bug SPECIAL 90 100 10 9
Endeavor Normal PHYSICAL 100 5 9
Ice Beam Ice SPECIAL 90 100 10 7, 9
Icy Wind Ice SPECIAL 55 95 15 8, 9
Body Slam Normal PHYSICAL 85 100 15 9
Safeguard Normal STATUS 25 7, 8
Waterfall Water PHYSICAL 80 100 15 7, 9
X-Scissor Bug PHYSICAL 80 100 15 7, 9
Giga Drain Grass SPECIAL 75 100 10 8, 9
Hydro Pump Water SPECIAL 110 80 5 9
Hyper Beam Normal SPECIAL 150 90 5 9
Leech Life Bug PHYSICAL 80 100 10 7, 9
Magic Room Psychic STATUS 10 8
Poison Jab Poison PHYSICAL 80 100 20 7, 9
Rain Dance Water STATUS 5 7, 8, 9
Scary Face Normal STATUS 100 10 9
Sleep Talk Normal STATUS 10 7, 9
Substitute Normal STATUS 10 7, 9
Tera Blast Normal SPECIAL 80 100 10 9
Trailblaze Grass PHYSICAL 50 100 20 9
Double Team Normal STATUS 15 7
Frustration Normal PHYSICAL 100 20 7
Giga Impact Normal PHYSICAL 150 90 5 9
Infestation Bug SPECIAL 20 100 20 7
Liquidation Water PHYSICAL 85 100 10 9
Water Pulse Water SPECIAL 60 100 20 9
Wonder Room Psychic STATUS 10 8
Frost Breath Ice SPECIAL 60 90 10 7
Hidden Power Normal SPECIAL 60 100 15 7
Iron Defense Steel STATUS 15 9
Skitter Smack Bug PHYSICAL 70 90 10 9
Chilling Water Water SPECIAL 50 100 20 9