Pokemon Hydrapple #1019

Hydrapple is a Pokemon with Grass and Dragon types from Generation 9.

Evolves from Dipplin if its level increases while knowing Dragon Cheer move.

Type 1Grass
Type 2Dragon
Ability 1Supersweet Syrup
Ability 2Regenerator
HiddenSticky Hold


  1. Pokegive Command
  2. Pokespawn Command
  3. Stats
  4. Catching
  5. Efficiency in defense
  6. Breeding
  7. Moves
    1. Level Up
    2. Egg
    3. Transfer
    4. TM

Pokegive Command

Pokespawn Command


S ATK120


Catch Rate: 10

Parkball 100% 1
Originball 100% 1
Masterball 100% 1
If wild pokemon sleep 13.07% 1
If the player has the same Pokemon of the opposite gender 10.46% 1
If the level is 4 times higher 10.46% 1
On the first turn 6.54% 1
While fishing 6.54% 1
From turn 11 5.23% 1
If the player has the same Pokemon 4.58% 1
In Water 4.58% 1
In dark places 3.92% 1
Gigatonball 3.59% 1
Ultraball 2.61% 1
Leadenball 2.61% 1
Ancient Ultraball 2.61% 1
In the Plains or Savanna biomes 1.96% 1
Jetball 1.96% 1
Greatball 1.96% 1
Ancient Greatball 1.96% 1
Wingball 1.63% 1
Ancient Heavyball 1.63% 1
Level 35. If the level is lower, the chance will increase 1.57% 1
Strangeball 1.31% 1
This Pokemon is not a Water or Bug type 1.31% 1
Premierball 1.31% 1
Pokeball 1.31% 1
Netball 1.31% 1
This Pokemon is not related to Moon Stone 1.31% 1
Luxuryball 1.31% 1
Healball 1.31% 1
GSball 1.31% 1
Friendball 1.31% 1
Featherball 1.31% 1
This Pokemon is not fast enough 1.31% 1
Christmas Pokeball 1.31% 1
Cherishball 1.31% 1
Ancient Pokeball 1.31% 1
This Pokemon is not Ultra Beast 0.13% 1
This Pokemon isn't heavy enough 0% 1

Efficiency in defense

The lower the coefficient, the better the Pokemon is protected from attacks of this type.



Egg Group 1: Grass egg groupEgg Group 2: Dragon egg groupEgg Cycles: 21 Male: 50% Female: 50%

This Pokemon can breed with Pokemon from the Grass egg group and Dragon egg group egg groups

Required Items

Oak Leaves3minecraft:oak_leaves
Grass Block3minecraft:grass_block
Block of Diamond1minecraft:diamond_block
Block of Gold2minecraft:gold_block
End Stone3minecraft:end_stone


Level Up

Lev. Attack Type Cat. Pow. Acc. PP
0 Astonish Ghost PHYSICAL 30 100 15
0 Fickle Beam
0 Recycle Normal STATUS 10
0 Sweet Scent Normal STATUS 100 20
0 Withdraw Water STATUS 40
4 Dragon Tail Dragon PHYSICAL 60 90 10
8 Growth Normal STATUS 20
12 Dragon Breath Dragon SPECIAL 60 100 20
16 Protect Normal STATUS 10
20 Bullet Seed Grass PHYSICAL 25 100 30
32 Dragon Pulse Dragon SPECIAL 85 100 10
36 Recover Normal STATUS 10
40 Energy Ball Grass SPECIAL 90 100 10
44 Substitute Normal STATUS 10
54 Power Whip Grass PHYSICAL 120 85 10


Move Type Cat. Pow. Acc. PP
Defense Curl Normal STATUS 40
Double Hit Normal PHYSICAL 35 90 10
Infestation Bug SPECIAL 20 100 20
Recycle Normal STATUS 10
Rollout Rock PHYSICAL 30 90 20
Sucker Punch Dark PHYSICAL 70 100 5
Yawn Normal STATUS 10


Move Type Cat. Pow. Acc. PP
Defense Curl Normal STATUS 40
Double Hit Normal PHYSICAL 35 90 10
Infestation Bug SPECIAL 20 100 20
Recycle Normal STATUS 10
Rollout Rock PHYSICAL 30 90 20
Sucker Punch Dark PHYSICAL 70 100 5
Yawn Normal STATUS 10


Move Type Cat. Pow. Acc. PP TM Gens
Rest Psychic STATUS 10 9
Curse Ghost STATUS 10 9
Endure Normal STATUS 10 9
Facade Normal PHYSICAL 70 100 20 9
Pounce Bug PHYSICAL 50 100 20 9
Uproar Normal SPECIAL 90 100 10 9
Outrage Dragon PHYSICAL 120 100 10 9
Protect Normal STATUS 10 9
Reflect Psychic STATUS 20 9
Bug Bite Bug PHYSICAL 60 100 20 9
Body Slam Normal PHYSICAL 85 100 15 9
Gyro Ball Steel PHYSICAL 100 5 9
Seed Bomb Grass PHYSICAL 80 100 15 9
Sunny Day Fire STATUS 5 9
Take Down Normal PHYSICAL 90 85 20 9
Body Press Fighting PHYSICAL 80 100 10 9
Earthquake Ground PHYSICAL 100 100 10 9
Giga Drain Grass SPECIAL 75 100 10 9
Grass Knot Grass SPECIAL 100 20 9
Heavy Slam Steel PHYSICAL 100 10 9
Hydro Pump Water SPECIAL 110 80 5 9
Hyper Beam Normal SPECIAL 150 90 5 9
Leaf Storm Grass SPECIAL 130 90 5 9
Nasty Plot Dark STATUS 20 9
Rain Dance Water STATUS 5 9
Sleep Talk Normal STATUS 10 9
Solar Beam Grass SPECIAL 120 100 10 9
Substitute Normal STATUS 10 9
Bullet Seed Grass PHYSICAL 25 100 30 9
Double-Edge Normal PHYSICAL 120 100 15 9
Dragon Tail Dragon PHYSICAL 60 90 10 9
Earth Power Ground SPECIAL 90 100 10 9
Energy Ball Grass SPECIAL 90 100 10 9
Giga Impact Normal PHYSICAL 150 90 5 9
Pollen Puff Bug SPECIAL 90 100 15 9
Draco Meteor Dragon SPECIAL 130 90 5 9
Dragon Pulse Dragon SPECIAL 85 100 10 9
Grassy Glide Grass PHYSICAL 70 100 20 9
Magical Leaf Grass SPECIAL 60 20 9
Breaking Swipe Dragon PHYSICAL 60 100 15 9
Grassy Terrain Grass STATUS 10 9