Pokemon Gigantamax Flapple #0841

Gigantamax Flapple is a Pokemon with Grass and Dragon types from Generation 8.
Type 1Grass
Type 2Dragon
Ability 1Ripen
Ability 2Gluttony

Other Forms


  1. Pokegive Command
  2. Pokespawn Command
  3. Stats
  4. Efficiency in defense
  5. Moves
    1. Level Up
    2. TR
    3. Egg
    4. Tutor
    5. TM

Pokegive Command

Pokespawn Command



Efficiency in defense

The lower the coefficient, the better the Pokemon is protected from attacks of this type.



Level Up

Lev. Attack Type Cat. Pow. Acc. PP
0 Astonish Ghost PHYSICAL 30 100 15
0 Growth Normal STATUS 20
0 Recycle Normal STATUS 10
0 Twister Dragon SPECIAL 40 100 20
0 Wing Attack Flying PHYSICAL 60 100 35
0 Withdraw Water STATUS 40
4 Acid Spray Poison SPECIAL 40 100 20
8 Acrobatics Flying PHYSICAL 55 100 15
12 Leech Seed Grass STATUS 90 10
16 Protect Normal STATUS 10
20 Dragon Breath Dragon SPECIAL 60 100 20
24 Dragon Dance Dragon STATUS 20
28 Dragon Pulse Dragon SPECIAL 85 100 10
32 Grav Apple Grass PHYSICAL 80 100 10
36 Iron Defense Steel STATUS 15
40 Fly Flying PHYSICAL 90 95 15
44 Dragon Rush Dragon PHYSICAL 100 75 10


Move Type Cat. Pow. Acc. PP
Focus Energy Normal STATUS 30
Substitute Normal STATUS 10
Outrage Dragon PHYSICAL 120 100 10
Endure Normal STATUS 10
Sleep Talk Normal STATUS 10
Iron Defense Steel STATUS 15
Dragon Dance Dragon STATUS 20
Seed Bomb Grass PHYSICAL 80 100 15
Dragon Pulse Dragon SPECIAL 85 100 10
Energy Ball Grass SPECIAL 90 100 10
Grass Knot Grass SPECIAL 100 20
Heavy Slam Steel PHYSICAL 100 10


Move Type Cat. Pow. Acc. PP
Defense Curl Normal STATUS 40
Recycle Normal STATUS 10
Rollout Rock PHYSICAL 30 90 20
Sucker Punch Dark PHYSICAL 70 100 5


Move Type Cat. Pow. Acc. PP
Draco Meteor Dragon SPECIAL 130 90 5
Dual Wingbeat Flying PHYSICAL 40 90 10
Grassy Glide Grass PHYSICAL 70 100 20


Move Type Cat. Pow. Acc. PP TM Gens
Fly Flying PHYSICAL 90 95 15 8, 9
Rest Psychic STATUS 10 8, 9
Round Normal SPECIAL 60 100 15 8
Snore Normal SPECIAL 50 100 15 8
Endure Normal STATUS 10 9
Facade Normal PHYSICAL 70 100 20 8, 9
Pounce Bug PHYSICAL 50 100 20 9
U-turn Bug PHYSICAL 70 100 20 8, 9
Attract Normal STATUS 100 15 8
Outrage Dragon PHYSICAL 120 100 10 9
Protect Normal STATUS 10 8, 9
Endeavor Normal PHYSICAL 100 5 9
Air Slash Flying SPECIAL 75 95 15 8, 9
Seed Bomb Grass PHYSICAL 80 100 15 9
Sunny Day Fire STATUS 5 8, 9
Take Down Normal PHYSICAL 90 85 20 9
Acid Spray Poison SPECIAL 40 100 20 9
Acrobatics Flying PHYSICAL 55 100 15 8, 9
Aerial Ace Flying PHYSICAL 60 20 9
Giga Drain Grass SPECIAL 75 100 10 8, 9
Grass Knot Grass SPECIAL 100 20 9
Heavy Slam Steel PHYSICAL 100 10 9
Hyper Beam Normal SPECIAL 150 90 5 8, 9
Leaf Storm Grass SPECIAL 130 90 5 9
Scary Face Normal STATUS 100 10 8, 9
Sleep Talk Normal STATUS 10 9
Solar Beam Grass SPECIAL 120 100 10 8, 9
Substitute Normal STATUS 10 9
Tera Blast Normal SPECIAL 80 100 10 9
Trailblaze Grass PHYSICAL 50 100 20 9
Bullet Seed Grass PHYSICAL 25 100 30 8, 9
Energy Ball Grass SPECIAL 90 100 10 9
Giga Impact Normal PHYSICAL 150 90 5 8, 9
Draco Meteor Dragon SPECIAL 130 90 5 9
Dragon Dance Dragon STATUS 20 9
Dragon Pulse Dragon SPECIAL 85 100 10 9
Grassy Glide Grass PHYSICAL 70 100 20 9
Iron Defense Steel STATUS 15 9
Magical Leaf Grass SPECIAL 60 20 9
Dual Wingbeat Flying PHYSICAL 40 90 10 9
Grassy Terrain Grass STATUS 10 9