Kalos TM64: Explosion Items Kalos TM66: Payback Kalos TM65: Shadow ClawA Kalos TM65: Shadow Claw is a Pixelmon mod item with ID pixelmon:tm_gen6{tm:65s}. In creative mode, it can be found in the TMs/HMs tab. Contents Obtaining Give Command ObtainingGive Command /give @p pixelmon:tm_gen6{tm:65s} Related Posts Card Lt. Surge’s Rattata (gymc85) Beast Ball Card Erika’s Tangela (gymh79) Views: 16
Kalos TM64: Explosion Items Kalos TM66: Payback Kalos TM65: Shadow ClawA Kalos TM65: Shadow Claw is a Pixelmon mod item with ID pixelmon:tm_gen6{tm:65s}. In creative mode, it can be found in the TMs/HMs tab. Contents Obtaining Give Command ObtainingGive Command /give @p pixelmon:tm_gen6{tm:65s}