Sinnoh TM56: Fling Items Sinnoh TM58: Endure Sinnoh TM57: Charge BeamA Sinnoh TM57: Charge Beam is a Pixelmon mod item with ID pixelmon:tm_gen4{tm:57s}. In creative mode, it can be found in the TMs/HMs tab. Contents Obtaining Give Command ObtainingGive Command /give @p pixelmon:tm_gen4{tm:57s} Related Posts Dawn Stone Axe Green Water Float Sinnoh TM30: Shadow Ball Views: 20
Sinnoh TM56: Fling Items Sinnoh TM58: Endure Sinnoh TM57: Charge BeamA Sinnoh TM57: Charge Beam is a Pixelmon mod item with ID pixelmon:tm_gen4{tm:57s}. In creative mode, it can be found in the TMs/HMs tab. Contents Obtaining Give Command ObtainingGive Command /give @p pixelmon:tm_gen4{tm:57s}