Temple Block Items Temple Pillar Temple BrickA Temple Brick is a Pixelmon mod block with ID pixelmon:temple_brick. In creative mode, it can be found in the Building Blocks tab. The Temple Brick. Contents Obtaining Give Command UsingCraftObtainingGive Command /give @p pixelmon:temple_brick UsingCraft Temple Pillar Temple Brick Slab Temple Brick Stairs Temple Pillar Related Posts Tropical Curry Galarian TM57: Payback Alolan TM30: Shadow Ball Views: 796
Temple Block Items Temple Pillar Temple BrickA Temple Brick is a Pixelmon mod block with ID pixelmon:temple_brick. In creative mode, it can be found in the Building Blocks tab. The Temple Brick. Contents Obtaining Give Command UsingCraftObtainingGive Command /give @p pixelmon:temple_brick UsingCraft Temple Pillar Temple Brick Slab Temple Brick Stairs Temple Pillar