Ice Plains Spikes biome

Ice Plains Spikes is a vanilla biome in the Minecraft. This biome is available only in game version 1.12.2. Pokemon such as Beartic, Beldum and Castform spawn in this biome.The legendary Pokemon Kyurem and Regice and the bosses Glalie and Metagross also spawn here. See the full list of Pokemon that spawn in this biome, as well as the location, time, and their rarity.

Ice Plains Spikes in the Minecraft


Spawn in Minecraft 1.12.2

Kyurem Land 0.5 0.031% 70 DAWN, DUSK
Regice Underground 3 0.184% 40 MORNING
Glalie Land 0.3 0.018% 50 ALL
Metagross Land 0.3 0.018% 50 ALL
Beartic Land, Sweet Scent 6 0.368% 38-50 ALL
Beldum Land 9 0.553% 5-20 DAY
Castform Land 8 0.491% 25-35 ALL
Cryogonal Land 8 0.491% 10-30 MORNING
Cubchoo Land, Sweet Scent 250 15.348% 22-37 ALL
Froslass Land 0.5 0.031% 25-40 NIGHT
Glaceon Land 0.5 0.031% 45-50 ALL
Glaceon Land 0.05 0.003% 45-50 MIDNIGHT
Glalie Land 0.5 0.031% 40-60 NIGHT
Metagross Land 0.1 0.006% 50-60 DAWN, DUSK
Metang Land 5 0.307% 20-44 DAY
Pidove Headbutt, Tree Top 300 18.418% 6-18 DAWN, DAY, DUSK
Pidove Air 200 12.279% 6-18 DAWN, DAY, DUSK
Piloswine Land 40 2.456% 33-50 ALL
Sandshrew Land, Sweet Scent 40 2.456% 12-22 NIGHT
Sandslash Land, Sweet Scent 0.5 0.031% 22-50 NIGHT
Snorunt Land 130 7.981% 15-30 NIGHT
Swinub Land 250 15.348% 10-33 ALL
Tranquill Air, Headbutt 90 5.525% 22-31 DAWN, DAY, DUSK
Unfezant Air 0.5 0.031% 33-47 DAWN, DAY, DUSK
Vanillish Land, Sweet Scent 30 1.842% 36-46 DAWN, NIGHT, DUSK
Vanillite Land, Sweet Scent 250 15.348% 20-34 ALL
Vanilluxe Land, Sweet Scent 0.1 0.006% 48-59 NIGHT
Vivillon Air 5 0.307% 13-24 MORNING
Zoroark Land 0.01 0.001% 30-45 NIGHT
Zorua Land 1 0.061% 5-25 NIGHT