Card Digger (tero75) Items Card Imposter Oak's Revenge (tero76) Card Giovanni’s Meowth (gymc74)A Card Giovanni's Meowth (gymc74) is a Pixelmon mod item with ID tcg:card{CardCode:"gymc74"}. In creative mode, it can be found in the Cards tab. Contents Obtaining Give Command ObtainingGive Command /give @p tcg:card{CardCode:"gymc74"} Related Posts Unova TM35: Flamethrower Galarian TM47: Fake Tears Sinnoh TM29: Psychic Views: 10
Card Digger (tero75) Items Card Imposter Oak's Revenge (tero76) Card Giovanni’s Meowth (gymc74)A Card Giovanni's Meowth (gymc74) is a Pixelmon mod item with ID tcg:card{CardCode:"gymc74"}. In creative mode, it can be found in the Cards tab. Contents Obtaining Give Command ObtainingGive Command /give @p tcg:card{CardCode:"gymc74"}