Card Brock's Diglett (gymc67) Items Card Blaine's Rhyhorn (gymc65) Card Blaine’s Vulpix (gymc66)A Card Blaine's Vulpix (gymc66) is a Pixelmon mod item with ID tcg:card{CardCode:"gymc66"}. In creative mode, it can be found in the Cards tab. Contents Obtaining Give Command ObtainingGive Command /give @p tcg:card{CardCode:"gymc66"} Related Posts TR62: Dragon Pulse Blank Kanto TM Alolan TM47: Low Sweep Views: 25
Card Brock's Diglett (gymc67) Items Card Blaine's Rhyhorn (gymc65) Card Blaine’s Vulpix (gymc66)A Card Blaine's Vulpix (gymc66) is a Pixelmon mod item with ID tcg:card{CardCode:"gymc66"}. In creative mode, it can be found in the Cards tab. Contents Obtaining Give Command ObtainingGive Command /give @p tcg:card{CardCode:"gymc66"}